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Been a wee bit, figured I should come back and rittle off some thoughts.

I'm slowly getting more intimate with Jacob. He likes praising me too, which is good for me, its almost as though he can sense self doubt, as he starts doin it every time it bubbles up.

I want to cut my hair again soon, its making me uncomfortable once more and I don't like it at all.

I also want to get a tattoo, so there's that as well.

There's been a lot of problems regarding Nethaniel as of late, or more so him causing problems and expecting others to pick up after him. He keeps showing up at the house, someone is telling him my work schedule too and I wanna find out who. He only shows up if he believes I'm going to be out, which says a lot.

One of my supervisors us getting on my last nerve as of late, I can't do a whole lot as of now but I will deal with it eventually.

I'm tired. . .

40hrs on top of school sucks.

I am not looking forward to the morning. Mother wants to wake me early for the "Easter hunt" that I set up despite knowing I have work and would rather try and sleep before I have to go do that for 8hrs. Not as though I get a break over the next six days so its not gonna kill her to let me sleep in.

But noooo

Like fuck off.

I feel as though some of my relationships with people are drifting. Be it for one reason or another. I'm unsure really.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now