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I broke up with Jacob. I love him but I want, need a kid.

And he's not ready for that, and I won't force something on him. I'm not that kind of person.

It was kept well, there was no fight, in fact he asked to stay friends despite us no longer being together. He told me that I made him happy, girlfriend or otherwise. And he told me that he hopes I find someone that treats me right.

One day, he will make someone very happy. He is a wonderful spouse.

In some way, I regret it a little bit, he was a wonderful boyfriend out side of the lack of proper communication. But I am selfish and I refuse to hold him to a relationship when I'm debating on whoring around.

I won't be that bitch to ruin his impression of relationships, so I ended it civilly, gave him the option to hate me and never speak to me again, promising that if he wishes that he'll never have to see me again, telling him that I won't interact with our friends because they were his friends first and I would never be that person to make them choose sides.

I regret not doing more.

It's fine though.

I love him, but he needs someone better, better than me. And I hope he finds that person.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now