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Do you ever look at a colour and immediately think of someone.

Its not categorizing them per say, but everyone has a colour.

Like Vi is the colour yellow. Its an obnoxious colour yes, too bright and anyone who tries to wear it is looking to stand out, but it is also the sun, it is gold and it is warm. It is bright and stands as a colour of happiness. It is warmth in itself, one of a kind and bright.

Mother is gray, a dullness that is used to show emptiness, a void of repetition. Lack there of emotions. It can be used anywhere and look normal, though it is cold and harsh. Gray does not change or move, it normally hold no shadow and it is nothing but a void. A source of abandonment. The colour of ash and concrete.

Jacob is blue, usually a symbol of sadness, but also of the sky and sea, used for memories and stability, a feeling of want and wishes. Reality and calmness. Freedom. Depression as well but also the cold, in a good way.

Kayden is orange, another obnoxious colour. Warm in the form of autumn leaves and pumpkins, used for truth and kindness, a colour of friendship and reliability.

Everton would be purple, the colour most used for royalty but also deception and lies. An illusion and easily detachable.

Dezaree would be pink, playful and delicate yet too strong of an immaturaty for it not to be outstanding. Materialistic and stubborn in an older form of the way.

Emmett and Athena, my non existent children, are green, they fill me with hope and the need to be prosperous. Yet envy clings to my every bone. The colour of leaves and grass, of growth and a symbol to go forward.

Nethaniel is red. A rage filled colour, it burns bright with the fires it starts and the blood it spills. Aggression is blinded by its need for revenge. A loving colour ruined by the blood of fools.

Maybe this all makes me weird

Separating everyone by colour.

Admittedly everyone was already specific colours, their names being different colours in my head and used as a reminder of their type of person.

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