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I lied, clearly, I didn't post it yesterday, fell asleep for a few hours and woke up realizing I still had the notes open.

It was amusing in a sense, though also nice to be able to just sleep without worrying about being woken for work.

There aren't really days off when working midnights, not unless you have multiple days off. They schedule it in a way that you work that morning, off that night but work again the next night. In some ways it is a technical day off, but you still work both days, yet there is 24hrs in-between the shifts, counting as a "day off".

I designed my book characters, there is Hollie and Jaxon, the twins, Tia, whom joined the group on a limb, Nixon (might change his name), Zhara and Luna, the three person family. I may add more later, but these are the more relevant ones. I think I'm going to focus the main point of the story around Hollie and Jaxon.

I got a lava lamp, I don't believe I've mentioned that. I enjoy watching it, I like the blue colour.

I'm thinking about setting up a tattoo appointment in a few weeks, before mothers birthday. They are debating on goin to Niagara for it, and I honestly don't wish to go. It seems like a hassle, somewhere I'll have to spend more money than I really want to.

Ooh ooh, I've started growing flowers, I'm honestly not sure what kind, I think they are alstroemeria, the white varrient anyway. I'm not a hundred percent sure though, so don't quote me on it. I'll try and take pictures of their growth for you, or at least when they've bloomed.

Its early morning now, I'm tired still.

There's a moth somewhere around the house, the cats have been chasing it for hours.

I don't know what I'm going to do regarding my relationship.

I shall give it a few more days, and then I shall make my decision, I shall end it if no attempts, random tik toks do not count, of communication.

This no longer feels like a relationship, it feels more like two people trying to hold onto something that was hardly there to begin with.

Have a good day, Pietro.

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