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Is it weird to get grossed out by ones own name?

I mean "Kassidee-ann" isn't a terrible name, and sure, when I acknowledge my gender identity crisis I shortened it down to "Kass" because it is classified as gender neutral, and sure I get slightly upset when people continue to use my full name and sure I don't particularly complain when they do so, falling into the same situation of no longer bothering to remind people that I am genderfluid and not just a female.

I'm not sure why it's started bothering me as of late.

It's always been one of those things I ignored. Sure it bugs me even more when people use it specifically when they are upset with me, it's like they are holding it above my head or something.

I'm not sure honestly.

It shouldn't bother me.

I mean, legally it is my name, so it shouldn't bother me but it does.

And I ignore it more often than not, I don't correct people and just deal with it, just like with the gender bit.

Those kids I meantioned a little bit ago? Yeah things are rather tense now, an argument happened and all that jazz and now everything is just tense. I actively avoid talking to a specific person in the group to avoid another argument.

I had lost my temper on them. I'll probably have to go talk to another counsellor again if I can't control my temper.

Which sucks cause I figured I was doing well in that department, I haven't had to talk to a counsellor since like sixth grade, one of my aunts was very insistant on me talking to one for anger management.

I guess my normal methods to not snap just didn't work, so I'll have to work on it again.

But yeah thats it. Me hating my given name and a tense friend group.

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