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Do you ever get the urge to throw up? Not in a nauseous kind of way, but like a forceful kind of way.

I tend to taste bile a lot, usually after I haven't eaten for a while, though it goes away for a bit when I drink water. It usually burns though, as bile normally does.

I know I don't hate the food that I had eaten no less than an hour ago, and it truly was only a passing thought. A passing thought that made me disgusted in myself.

I always swore that I would never do that, there are much better ways to lose the weight, and yet for just a moment I allowed the thought. I allowed it to sit in my head for just a second, a second long enough to debate it.

I'm crumbling slowly. Maybe it's the stress, I did just finish a 38½ hour week, with that on top of school. . .

Am I foolish to believe I could do full time? I feel tired now, its a dreadful feeling. A foggy brain, a constant yawn caused by low oxygen, heavy chest caused by said low oxygen, head falling slightly whenever I blink for too long, sluggish. Being tired just generally isn't a nice feeling. My feet don't hurt today despite the 8 hour shifMum
a bonus honestly.

I want to do midnights. They just seem like the better option, it's something I plan to switch too in February.

I just have to get used to it.

I'm getting a new phone this upcoming Friday after my paycheck, this'll be my largest on so I might as well use it. Mum doesn't want me just fixing my other phone, not worth it apparently.

I dunno honestly. I'm pissed about it but I'll deal with it eventually.

I'll have a good phone again. That and a good one or two hundred bucks left over, which means I can start Christmas shopping.

Weird right? To be Christmas shopping in October? Well I'm ordering most of it online, just wanna make sure everything is here, even if I gotta keep it for a while.

I got a list of people for it too.

• Vi
• Grey
• Jacob
• Dominica
• Isaac
• Karson
• Tommy
• Devon
• Mum
• Everton
• Nethaniel :/
• Dezaree

Those are for actual presents.

• Kayden
• Zander
• Justin
• Ethan
• Gaige
• Gabe

Are on the list of "Only A Card". So thoughtful, right? Note the sarcasm. I'll probably stick like a candy cane and a $5 bill inside, maybe a $10 depends on money at the time, which should be more than enough.

I'm probably gonna give the other list the same cards as well, which is 18 people.


Yikes, yeah so I'll probably just do 5's. It'll work out.

I already picked out gifts for Grey, Mum, Vi, Tommy, Everton, Dezaree and Nethaniel. Well, most of Vi's anyway. Gotta find new ears, the ones I originally was gonna get sold out fast. I'm getting Evertons on Friday. Probably gonna start grabbing cards too, gonna try to get several different ones, but I won't fuss over getting doubles.

I need tape too, and Christmas stickers. Probably gonna get all this stuff at Dollartree. It'd make my life easier. Cheaper too.

I have a general idea of what I'm going to get Jacob, Dominica too, kind of Devon as well but I haven't really decided yet. No idea what to get Isaac and Karson, though I'll figure it out.

Anyway, I'mma get off, go look online for a few more things.

Bye bye


Despite it being tomorrow, Friday could not come faster.

Maybe it's my largest paycheck for a while, or maybe it's the fact that I'm replacing my phone finally, as well as getting a laptop.

I have yet to decide if I want to start recording videos yet, or later on in the future.

Probably later on after I get Vi to make an end screen for me, and after I get a decent video editor.

Finding a pair of headphones with a mic won't be hard.

I'll be able to do Minecraft and Sims currently, nothing much else besides that as I will have to wait to get more money.

I don't think I'll actually start streaming yet. I don't see much point in it at the moment. But I can definitely start doing videos soon.

Maybe I will actually get big, though I highly doubt it, though I suppose it doesn't hurt to dream.

I'm excited, honestly I am.

I'm not too worried about my face getting out or anything, if it happens it happens, however, I have no intention of posting my face or using a face cam.

I'll have to make a playlist too for music that I can use in videos. Specifically for the outro, as I already like my opening, though it's a little off, it fits so what do I care.

Swearings gotta get toned down too, I'll just start saying "mother Hubbard" and "crackers" again if I gotta. YouTube is strict.

Just gotta start small and build up.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now