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You know, I hadn't really out much thought into headphones. How much they could have possibly helped me when the static and ringing first started.

Normally when I listen to music, I'm an ass and don't use the headphones as I never saw the point unless someone commented. Anyway, I could always still hear the static or ringing, though faint it was still there.

Always there, always in my fucking ear driving me mad.

Anywho, the headphones block it out. The music going straight to my ears, straight into my head. I can think, I can breathe, I don't hear the static at all.

It's really nice honestly. I know I'll be truly annoyed when I remove them once more but I will enjoy this peace and probably use it more often now that I've acknowledged it.

Vi and I are getting tattoos the day after prom, which btw Isaak is coming with us, there was this whole thing that I don't feel like getting into so I won't but it all worked out in the end. I'm getting mine on my left wrist, palm down with the bottom towards my fingers, if that makes sense. It doesn't matter to me where she gets hers, its her choice so meh. I'm excited.

I'm excited for prom too. So very excited.

Jacobs birthday is tomorrow, I haven't gotten him anything as I don't get paid until Friday, but I will be going over to his house. His mother invited me over, didn't even ask Jacob if it was okay just went straight to me, which I found entertaining. This was over the weekend when I was invited over for dinner.

Both his parents are really good cooks, and I will jab, so I wanna know where he learned to cook. Dude burns noodles. Really gonna make me house wifey and shit.

Oh well

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now