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Yesterday was my birthday, so I'm 19 now.

My work place seemed really excited about it, not really sure why. It got me home early though so what do I care.

Jacob said Happy Birthday first, like the second it turned midnight, it was cute, but he was tired. Aunt Katie said it next and then Vi. Jacob then proceeded to rat me out at lunch and told all our friends.

I had honestly thought mum had forgotten, she didn't, she just preferred to type it out on Facebook and post it rather than tell me to my face. Which is alright I guess.

At least she hadn't forgotten, I guess.

I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

I hadn't gotten anything for my birthday this year, which was fine as I actively told Jacob not to get me anything because it would be just a hassle. He argued that, but I won lol.

Maybe I was just expecting a happy birthday, like an actual one from her. Not some shitty Facebook post.

I don't know anymore. I guess I've been setting my expectations too high again and this was a pretty good way to knock them back down.

Shes getting on me again for how much money I've been spending. I understand that I need to save up and what not but at the end of the day it's my money and if I want to spend it then I shall. Like fuck.

She comments on how I have poor spending habits yet she never has any money. She spends it on shit she doesn't need and then gets bored of it quickly.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang