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I do not believe my relationship is going to last much longer. Honestly, it was falling apart before, but I haven't seen him in weeks, not because I'm unavailable but because he never feels up to making plans, we haven't spoken in days, days Pietro. Its actually been almost a week since our last full conversation.

I tried for so long.

I made plans for us, I started almost every conversation, I dressed up for him, I did things for him because it made him happy, I kept my mouth shut about his cousin, I was kind to his parents, I gave him gifts, I took him on dates. . .

There has been no initiative from his side. At all.

I can't do this.

I want my baby. I can't do this with a boy who can't even make plans with his significant other.

On other news, I've been working midnights, and while not a terrible thing, I enjoy it much more than any other shift, I'm tired because of it, mostly because of the flip flopping schedule but yeah.

Vi's birthday is soon, HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance, gotta be first ya know, lol.

I'm planning a story, mother keeps insisting that I try and hand in some of my small short stories and I'd rather not so here I am, creating an actual story.

I'm creating the characters on Sims for a visual representation, its helpful in a sense.

Have a good night, Pietro and I'm sorry for the lack of thoughts.

11:35 pm

Do other peoples eyes like bounce and vibrate with sound?

Its like my brain is trying to see the sound but it can't so it just vibrates or bounces my vision instead.

Also I've decided to post these cuz fuck man there are just a few

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now