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I'm starting to think Jacob doesn't like Dominica. He gives her weird looks and becomes really quiet whenever she is around or mentioned. I see him narrow his eyes at her quite a bit and I can't recall a time where he said anything positive about her, not that really talks about her to begin with. Just things like she's slow and that she's never on time and that she talks a lot.

I know he doesn't like whenever she touches me, I'm iffy on the skin to skin contact as well and I've almost completely cut it off since I noticed he doesn't seem like to like it. He's never said anything, but its kind of obvious.

Karson and Gabe got into a fight. It was all Karson's fault. He hit Gabe twice and then tried to lift him whilst he was in his chair, Gabe got angry and punched Karson in the face. Gabe was the only one suspended because the school wouldn't take his word for what happened and because Karson has autism and "didn't mean it". It's highly unfair and I'm pissy with Karson about it and have made my anger clear.

Don't start something you can't finish.

Ironically it was all over a chair. Yes a fucking chair that Karson had left for 15 minutes whilst refusing to tell us if he was coming back.

Ethan said I looked pissed, which I don't doubt honestly. I'm still not particularly happy with Karson.

They cut my hours at work. Went from a nice 36 to a 22. Did not like that. Especially since they are now asking me to come in on my days off and asking me to stay longer. Like whats the point? Just schedule me or leave me be.

I got rubber ducky dice. They haven't arrived yet, but I am excited for them. I want to get an LED set but they are expensive, so maybe later.

Ethan has joined the dnd group, which is good honestly. I just hope he doesn't decide to point out my discomfort at any given point, as Gabe and himself have seemed to figure me out.

I left the group chat with the kids. A little bit ago actually. I dunno, I feel like it's better this way.

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