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I've recently figured out that when I unfocus and then quickly focus my vision it temporarily clears up the blurriness that usually hinders my vision. I've always been able to focus and unfocus my eyes, to me its like a camera lense, shifting forward and backwards until the image is clear, or in my case relatively clear.

Of course, the down side is that sometimes without my control my eyes will completely unfocus and get stuck like that for a little while, leaving me with just blobs and light, often times I give myself a headache trying to correct it again before just closing my eyes, sometimes placing my glasses on help.

I figured out that I can revert my vision for about five seconds back to how it once was, like my nice clear vision that I recall when I was like 10. I was staring at the moon and figured playing with my eyes would be vaguely entertaining, a small moment to cure my boredom. It does not work if there are too many lights, the aggressive lines blurr my vision beyond a point of just focusing and unfocusing.

I'm trying to just force the focusing bit, not wanting to go completely blurry everytime I want to see.

I went to the bar yesterday for mother, her birthday is tomorrow and that is what she wanted.

I've discovered that there are a lot more people that find me attractive than I thought there were, it was both flattering and highly annoying. I'm not particularly in the mood to flirt and probably won't be for a few more days at best.

However, getting pregnant just got a hell of a lot easier, I turned down 8 guys yesterday night, can you believe that?!

It was a small boost of confidence thats for sure.

I'm debating going again next weekend, specifically Friday night as I'll be much more open to sex then. I haven't decided yet, depends on how I feel after work to be honest, or I'll just take a vacation weekend in a few weeks.

Again I'll make these decisions eventually but yeah.

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