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I did it again. I thought I was free from it, that I had found different ways to distract my brain from the panic, that I had taught myself how to get out of that mindset.

Yet here I am, yet again, scratches on my hand from a blind panic. They burn, but I will give credit where credit is do, the action still does the job well. I forgot about the people around me, I focused on the pain and I could breathe.

It concerned Jacob, which I feel bad for, but I didn't do it on purpose. I thought I had stopped.

I suppose I was wrong.

I started using the Samsung health app. It tracks how much I sleep and how much I walk, and I can track my stress levels and my heart beat. It is becoming a comfort of sorts, even if it has only been a week since I started using it. Its encouraging me to force myself to sleep longer, though it doesn't account for if and when I wake up, only when I turn on the phone and use it does it acknowledge that I have woken up.

It could be worse.

Jacob was sick the last few days, meaning I hadn't gone to school either. No point honestly.

My hand burns. I regret my actions, unconscious or not.

8:12 pm

I'm starting to think I'm bothering people again.

Maybe I'm just going crazy.

I hover too much, I'm too touchy feely, I'm pushy,  I expect too much, yet too little at the same time. I don't understand how they stand me really.

I got catcalled again today, its been a little while yet it doesn't get rid of the yucky feeling. I don't understand it really, but that may just be because I can't, and probably never will, see myself as attractive.

Which is true. I'm not.

I'm fat, one boob is a little bigger than the other, my skin looks disgusting, I have an ugly amount of small freckles, the dimples are gross, my eyes are ugly, my hair looks dead, I have to keep my nails short due to today's incident. I am far from attractive.

To each their own I guess.

I think I'm going to leave everyone alone for a few days. I need to stop being a bother, people will become annoyed. They won't like it. Disgusting. An annoyance.

Best to leave them alone. It'll be fine.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now