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Yes I missed the first and halloween, no I do not care.


Jacob has pulled out a new little trick today, one that I honestly never would have expected from him honestly.

You know those hugs boyfriends do when they are taller than their significant other, the ones that wrap around the neck, over the shoulders mostly, and pull them up against their chest?

He did that. My heart fucking jumped like a madman in my chest. I relished in the sudden affection.

He also went to the pizza place across the street from the school with me and when I asked why, because he wouldn't let me buy anything for him no matter how much I insisted, he said "I'm going with you because I love you".

All the affection is making me feel so nice inside. Sure the lack of kissing is a bummer, but fuck if this is what I'mma keep getting then who needs kissing.

9:19 pm

So I finally decided to post my mess of thoughts. It's not as though I was hiding anything. I was just being lazy.

I also just got my pay stub for this pay, a little more than $660 this time around. It makes sense honestly as I'm getting hours close to the full time workers. I was recently bumped from my 22 hours a week to 32+ a week. Meaning I'll have 64+ hours every pay, which is like $700-$800 ish kinda every pay, if not more.

Basically I can actually afford to live downstairs on my own now, even if I had to pay for my own internet and utilities. I don't think I'm going to, not unless someone else decides they want to come live with me. I don't know how my mental state will react to going from being around people 24/7 to only having cats.

I thought about inviting Bree to come live with me, but I don't like her boyfriend all that much and she doesn't want to leave him anywhere so she's a no go.

I genuinely thought about asking Jacob before immediately deciding against it.

I ain't really have any other options at the moment so for now I'll just deal with it and save up starting next pay or so. But with me making like $1500+ on just part time hours, well I'm not too worried about it honestly.

I'm going to start ordering my online based gifts Friday. Probably gonna have to go to Dollarama to get like boxes for the gifts because fuck wrapping all that shit. Too many people.

Jacob didn't seem to thrilled about me getting him something, protested pretty firmly against it, said he had everything he wanted. Which I get honestly, though I'm still going to get him something. Not exactly 100% sure now, seeing as he had gotten the thing I was planning on getting him.

Not a big deal honestly, though it'll take me a bit to figure something out. I have a list with names and their gifts that I can check off as I order them.

Ooooh I need those stickers too, the ones with like the "to" and "from" on them, or else I'll lose track of everything.

I'm quite happy with my list and I'm making more than enough money now to fulfill all of it.

I'm actually surprised I got as much as I did considering I missed two 8 hour shifts when I had gotten sick.

I'm probably gonna have to work during the Christmas parade too, since its on a Saturday.

Thinking about Jacob makes me feel nice.

I'm loving this feeling. Everything about it is just good.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ