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So its been a little while, which isn't a big deal but I decided to talk about a few things.

I have truly lost my chance to move in down yonder, I've tried, honest to goodness I did, but I wasn't quick enough apparently.

I was recently called racist by a girl and her mother at work because I was zoning out and looking in her general direction. The only good thing was that she had put in her two weeks notice and I no longer care for her. She won't be my problem any longer and I have very few shifts with her.

I've started writing again, little bit of this and a little bit of that.

I wanna make a video game, not even really for class just for the hell of it. A dialogue based game, much like the one I had started a year or so ago. I'm debating on asking Vi to make the sprites for me and just help me create the story for it in general, I'm unsure of how its going to turn out, though I have high hopes.

I'm not sure if I want it to just be dialogue based or if I want the player to be able to move around, to be able to interact outside of just talking.

Dialogue games can be fun, if done right, especially horror ones as I'm not really into romance.

I enjoy the idea of making decisions, or giving the player the ability to make a decision.

I could give them minor animation if I get the right sprites, just shifting back and forth, blinking, that kind of stuff. Though I am aware it would generally be a pain.

I'm already set on it, I just have to actually start making the game I suppose

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now