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Its workin' Pietro.

Shits finally starting to fall into place.

I might be moving in downstairs in a few months, depends honestly.

It's a small step to freedom but one I'm holding onto with all that I am.

I had invited Vi, but she doesn't wish to move in with me at the moment, which is fine, I respect her wishes.

But the dominos have finally started tipping, now I just have to wait for them all to fall to get the finished product.

11:48 pm

I have come to decision, with everything in place as it I can work with it.

Unless something messes with it then this decision will not be changed or wavered. I do apologize to those it may affect, myself included for it has both negative and positive outcomes, but with the possibility of something so important just inches away, so close to my grasp.

Why I can't just turn that away. Not now. I have fought for this and I will not lose it, no matter what and I am truly sorry if it affects someone close to me.

Not even my light can change this, which I feel slightly bad for.

I am not committing die. Fuck off.

If things work out, this decision starts at the end of December, the smallest part of it anyway.

I give myself one year. (Again not committing die). This decision will be fulfilled in a years time.

Good luck to those involved, and those not involved, for this could truly fuck everything up.

I am diverting from the original plan. I do not see happiness with the original plan.

This one though, I can see this one working out for me.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now