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Fucking China is holding my sex toy hostage like bitch it ain't a bomb, hand it over.

I really need to publish it, I'm not hiding anything, I'm just lazy.

Midnights and afternoon shifts are difficult, though I much prefer midnights over and above any other shift. As suspected.

Mother has stopped bringing up school, or at least my lack of graduation anyway.

I've been eating, kind of, its an off and on thing really, I eat when I remember to do so or if I feel the need to feed someone else, sometimes at the end of my shifts.

I want to get a mini fridge for my room, for my drinks cuz I don't like the idea of anyone taking them. Non alcoholic drinks btw, which only means they are more likely to take em.

My ankle is sore, not sure why, but I'll assume that if I stay off it for a day or so it'll be fine.

I got a few days off next week, done Wednesday at 6am and I don't work again until 2pm Saturday. Its honestly nice, though I'm tired.

Mother keeps talking about moving out, with me going with her. Putting a house in my name so that we can just slowly pay it off.

I don't want to be stuck with her forever.

I'm also rather frustrated with Jacob, I want to at least be pregnant before 20. I want kids so badly and it hurts that he brushes it off so easily. I understand where he's coming from but I made it very clear at the beginning of our relationship that I wanted kids young, I even pushed off getting pregnant at 18 for him but I'm becoming annoyed.

I don't want to toss out ultimatums, but its pissing me off.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now