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So uh, been a few days.

Nethaniel slapped me across the face in front of mum and has yet to get in trouble for it.

Basically mum wanted a pic off my polaroid, told me to hug him, I did, he then slapped me for it. Did not get in trouble.

Insisted that I get in trouble for threatening to break his nose and teeth if he ever lays his hands on me again.

Haven't gotten an apology yet, been a little over a day.

I refuse to speak to him until I get a sincere apology. Not a half hearted one or quick "sorry". A sincere apology.

It pisses me off that he didn't get in trouble, just tells him that he can get away with it again.

Work has been okay, I burned my hand last shift, really outta make sure them lids are on right.

Plans are changing again, I'll be moving in with Grey in August (ish), no Violet. Not that she don't wanna, just easier for her on campus and what not. Grey and I plan to work, so it well works out lol.

Vi also finally said yes to the cocktus. Tis poggers lmao.

Sorry sorry.

I'm just tired is all, not used to 8 hour shifts yet. I'll be there in like a week or two, as I do two 8 hour shifts every weekend now.

I'm thinking about doing midnights in February. Starting at 10pm and ending around 6am, spending the next hour or so prepping for school, going to school, sleeping when I get back, eat something maybe and then back off to work. I could make it work now if I wanted to, but I have spare fourth period next semester, which would be better then now.

It just would work out better for me honestly. I don't need a whole lotta sleep to function, those on midnights get paid more, not much more but more is always better.

My point is that I could make it work.

It'll take time, sure, but I could do it.

I don't know, I'm just so hyper focused on it all right now, hell I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming of being at work half the time ha.

Things will settle a little when we move.

Imma start looking at housing again soon, though bringing it down to 2-3 bedroom, as we no longer need like a bazillion rooms.

I don't think Grey will care all too much if there is only one bathroom, just gotta have one at least. I wouldn't mind a basement either, good place for laundry.

I don't want a big place, yet I don't want something small, if that makes sense. I'm sure I'll find something, and I can always get Grey to take a look at stuff too.

No rush to be honest, still got several months.

Most of which will be for saving money.

I'm averaging out at about $400 per paycheck right now, so $800 monthly. It won't be hard to save up for first and last months, though as I can no longer move in down yonder, I'll have to start giving money to mum eventually, about $300 monthly, leaving me with $500ish monthly.

Changes things a little. I'm not accounting for stat pay or the tips I'm saving up. It's hard to account for those honestly.

I'm working like 39-51 hours every two weeks, so definitely not full time, but it's something. My next pay check should be my largest, like $500ish if not more, as I am again not account for the stat pay I will be receiving on Monday.

Which by the way, happy early thanksgiving.

Mum bought pie, said something about roast too, though I wasn't listening.

My relationship with Jacob. . . Well it's a relationship alright. . .

Still haven't kissed, which is just fine I guess. Uhm, he looked happy to see me after his field trip on Friday, even opened his arms for a hug once I got close enough.

It was nice.

Maybe it's because he sees how affectionate I am with Dominica. Hard to say.

Anyway, I'm actually tired so I'mma sleep, it is 1:15 in the morning, and I got work tomorrow.

Good night Pietro.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now