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My brain feels like mush.

I'm unsure if it's caused by the lack of sleep or if it's simply just because there's too much there. Too much to think about.

Nethaniel had the audacity to call mother on mothers day to, sarcastically mind you, wish her a happy mother's day. It was sarcastic and he complained that he only did it because he had to. She hung up on him.

I'm going shoe shopping on Friday, to get heels for my dress. Hair dye too, but I'm not sure yet what I want to dye it, I've thought about blonde, blue and green. Just not red, as I don't feel like being Christmasy. I could also go natural, just dye it brown but thats dull.

I'm excited. Though I've mentioned this before.

I don't know if I'll wear and jewelry, I've thought about it but jewelry is such a pain.

Which is ironic because I was obsessed with necklaces at one point. I could order one I suppose.

I'll go look.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now