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I hate that fucking brat so much, he constantly ruins everything good just by fucking existing and at this point I wouldn't bat an eye if he died.

Like fuck I understand he just caused to miss a movie but that fucking bitch ruins everything and now I have to co-exist with him again?

He was admitted to the hospital, played all nice and shit and then was released into mums care once more, you know where all the problems start.

I'm telling you right now if this fucker threatens anyone once, be it himself or others I will call the police. I'm so fucking done.

I hate him just as much as I hate the fucking idiot father he looks so much like. Acts like him too.

I'm fuming.

It was supposed to just be a day to cool off, do something relaxing and fun with the family. And now this asshole is hanging around again.

I hate Nethaniel with every fiber of my being. And I resent mother for ever letting him back into this house.

They ignore his manipulation and blatant lies, ignore his threats to harm others and himself, ignore the verbal abuse, ignore the disrespect, ignore the aggression and the anger, ignore his poor hygiene habits.

Everything they ignore he takes advantage of further.

I want him dead. I don't want him here. He is a leech. A mooch. An annoying piece of gum on the sidewalk.

I hate him

I hate him so much.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now