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Mum is going to be leaving me alone with them again soon, because she wants to go see her fiancé again.

I don't like it honestly, but there isn't much I can do.

My "monthly friend" decided to make me immobile yesterday, I couldn't move due to pain. Mum wants me to start taking birth control despite me giving her my many reasons as to why I do not wish to take them, the side effects being my main reason.

I understand it can help, but I do not wish to take them.

Not that it matters, she'll forget about it soon, just like she does with all my health related issues.

11:30 pm

Maybe I am simply afraid of taking them. I do not like taking medicine when I do not know what it's affects may be.

Hence why I constantly refuse to take the sleeping pills mum has, they are prescribed to her and I shouldn't touch them. Even if I still struggle to sleep.

I think I truly realized that fear yesterday after she gave me muscle relaxers because of my monthly friend.

I thought that's all they were, but they made me incredibly drowsy, I recall the heavy amounts of anxiety that I felt when I finally fell into a sleep I couldn't control.

Maybe it's more so a lack of control over myself. Medicine does that. Removes that control that I cling to.

You know what else I hate?

The human minds inability to differentiate between a real and fictional person. Not just for love, but for sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, embarrassment, fear and happiness.

We can not tell the difference between someone who is real and someone who isn't.

It explains why people cry at the end of movies, not because the movie was sad but because in those 100 some odd minutes we grew attached to those characters.

It happens when reading books too, getting so attached to a character that you become upset over their loss or learn to see why they fell in love with that specific character, simply because you care and suddenly value the opinions and feelings of this fictional character.

This is more common for people who get attached far too easily, those who fall in love too fast or even those who are a little to empathetic at times.

I unfortunately fall into these categories, crying at every other death or blushing when another says something flirtatious.

It's odd some times, crying over story book characters I've never met before, fictional beings that never will be alive.

Yet in ones brain they are very much alive, as alive as you and me.

An odd sentiment, yet it explains so much about the human mind.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now