Part 1

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With a gentle push, the girl brushed away the stray lock of hair that had obscured her vision, then cast a glance around the dimly lit hold of the cargo ship. Rows of peculiar plastic containers filled the compartment, designed for goods rather than passengers. Only a few seats could be found amidst the disorder. The gigantic, half-filled compartment was bathed in a gloomy twilight, interrupted only by two of the typical trio of ruby-red overhead lights at the entrance.

At the slightest twitch, these scarlet lanterns pulsed like a beating heart, flooding the room with a harsh, bloody glow. Once again, the ship vibrated twice in quick succession, causing such discomfort that Mona, though seated securely, grabbed onto the nearest bar for fear of losing her balance and falling off the slippery plastic seat. Certainly, their descent into the atmospheric veil of another celestial body had begun, but whether that meant the final stage of Mona's expedition remained uncertain.

 Certainly, their descent into the atmospheric veil of another celestial body had begun, but whether that meant the final stage of Mona's expedition remained uncertain

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She had known it would be a colossal undertaking, but she had not been afraid. The young traveler had set out on her daring quest, propelled by hope, courage, and an overwhelming yearning to re-form a bond severed long ago. The vastness of space had stretched before her, a glittering ocean of stars, where each planet was an island - a brief stop on her journey. At every port of call, she had watched as her cramped quarters were emptied of their contents, and filled with new ones. And so, from world to world, she had drawn closer to the ultimate goal of her odyssey - to find her brother, who she had not seen since starting boarding school at the age of six.

Over many years, in the hidden corners of her mind, she had imagined countless scenarios of their reunion, which now seemed almost tangible. Then, months ago in the Spring semester, she had made up her mind - she would do all that she could to turn what had increasingly seemed like a dream into reality

She had spent every moment of her summer break, when she could escape the academic routine, preparing for her dream. Working in a humble shop near the interplanetary station, she had earned credit after credit. All the while, the idea of dropping out of school and venturing into the unknown had become more and more conceivable and alluring. However, at that time, she still had two full years left to finish her studies. Her Imperial funded College education had been touted as a rare opportunity. Despite this, she had become more and more consumed by her longing and impatience to reunite with her brother.

She had promised herself that, no matter what, she would quit school at the end of the first semester, and she had followed through with her plan. How she had gotten this far would be a facinating story in itself, however, suffice it to say that before boarding the freighter, she had scoured numerous databases for any clue that could guide her to him. It had been a tedious and exhausting process, that had cost her many sleepless nights. But her relentless effort had paid off, as she had found a place where she had high hopes of finding him. Since then, every step, every choice, she hoped, would bring her nearer to the pivotal moment - the moment of truth, when she might finally have what her heart yearned for. And although she had no assurances of what the future held in store for her, she had consoled herself with the feeling that she was ready to face whatever the next days would thow at her.

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