Part 46

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Tatooine six months later .

The dark corridor with stairs, was difficult to navigate. The bounty hunter carefully moved through it so as not to wake anyone up. Everyone in Jabba the Hutt's hall was asleep, or at least it seemed so. The hall was drowning in semi-darkness. Therefore, it was easy to get hooked on something or one unforeseen move could end badly for him. At its end, despite the shadows, he spotted, the most valuable trophy. Jabba was so proud of it that he inserted it into his throne room to stare at it with a satisfied face. 

The most important thing was to boast about the fact that the carbonite-trapped captain had become his greatest prize. Boba Fett, delivered on the job that was assigned to him. He received a nice gift for it and enjoyed respect all over the planet. This earned him mega-star status in the clan , which Jabba called his most loyal servants.

 Although Boba didn't really like Jabba, he didn't want to serve him for long. He had his own plans and specific orders. However, he never dared to speak them out or betray them. He feared that Jabba, as the most hideous creature, would not want to accept his hero's departure. Therefore, Fatt did not leave the castle, his protégé. And he fulfilled his whims with unmitigated satisfaction.

Boushh walked to the end of the hall. He looked around for a moment to see if it was safe. Then he quickly activated the procedure to free the captain from the clutches of the icy carbonite. The emerging captain, from under his shell, was still difficult to consider fully recovered. When he fell to the floor, it was still impossible to feel his pulse for moments.

 Although outwardly everything looked fine. After a while, however, Han awoke, although this awakening was not a pleasant one. He had trouble coordinating his movements, getting his muscles under control, and was cold , uncomfortable. His eyes still had not regained function. Therefore, the captain was more blind than a mole above ground. As soon as the hunter turned him on his back, Han tried to find out what happened AND where he was.

Rest assured this is Jabba's palace. We just brought you out of carbonite. Now you're suffering from post-hibernation sickness, that's why you can't see anything.

Han was still shaking with cold and could not control his muscles. He felt like a small child , helpless , in need of care. He touched the hunter's face reflexively. And he became concerned. He did not know whether he could trust him or whether he was a friend or an enemy. The moment they touched, he uttered a question;

- And who are you?

Then the hunter, took off his mask gently and spoke quietly in a soft, very familiar female voice.

- Someone who loves you!- the princess brought her lips to his lips bestowing him with a passionate kiss.

He remembered that kiss. He knew to whom that soft, feminine voice belonged. Therefore, instinctively, he responded:

- Leia....

After which they both tried to get up. Once they succeeded, they suddenly heard an absolute loud retching. Leia froze, she knew what it meant. So she turned around and Hana where the sound came from. And to their eyes appeared the throne room in which everyone was looking at them. Now everything depended on diplomacy and appeasing an angry Hutt, who reluctantly, accepted that his trophy was released. 

The conversation with Han was rather brief and laconic. Jabba was neither interested in the Cornelian's explanation nor interested in the fact that he offered to double the stakes. He immediately decided to throw him in the dungeon for delay and disobedience. After which he was brutally escorted to his destination. Jabba then dealt with the princess. Who accepted with disgust the fact that she would become his slave. She was dressed in a skimpy metal bikini that accentuated her flawless figure. 

Tied by a collar around her neck, Jabba held her on a chain like prey. Not allowing her to stray too far from him or maneuver independence. The chain was a brutal , heavy leash. And for Leia, it was a prison from which it was difficult to get out. The gangster had a peculiar sense of power, authority and enslavement. He didn't like to be ignored he had a mania for treating all female beings equally. They were to be obedient, submissive and do only what he wanted. Otherwise they ended up just like anyone else who defied him. They were eaten by his pet Rancor or became prey for Banth. And both were cruel enough that no one wanted to object. 

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