Part 10

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The next day early in the morning, everyone was awakened by the first of the rather strong earth tremors. Princess Leia and her advisors assembled a special crisis staff for the afternoon, which determined the condition of the temple and its possible to be or not to be a base for the rebel fleet. The damage the quake did was not great, but the breach of the hangar's foundations was a massive blow to everyone. 

Cracks along the supporting walls and the displacement of two of the three huge pillars in the hall meant that the temple could be a very unstable structure. Therefore, it was decided to send units to scour other systems in the coming days to find another suitable location for a secure base. It was also feared that the Empire could attack again at any time. 

Therefore, as a precautionary measure, it was also advisable that the location be as far from the center of the galaxy as possible. Somewhere on the outer fringes. All Y-wing and X-wing units were to be ready to go. And pilots were to report to the hangar for guidance to their commanders. All machines were fueled to the maximum so they wouldn't run out of fuel.

The shock also awoke Mona in the medical center. The frightened girl was unaware of the danger until Leia visited her and informed her of the situation. She knew that their time on Yavin 4 was over and a new chapter was beginning. A chapter that was one big unknown for everyone.

 A chapter that was one big unknown for everyone

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Two days later

The mission to find a planet worthy of replacing Yavin 4, was not an easy one. Because combing the outer galactic regions, involved the risk of long journeys. The arduous and dangerous mission could have ended in failure, error or worse, bringing enemy Empire spies to the current base a second time. And this was what the Princess feared most. Han had been helping and getting involved all along and this situation forced him to make some decisions maybe only for these moments but it was already something. He himself also decided to help in the search especially since his ship was one of the fastest in the entire fleet. Before departing he visited his sister :

- You too...- she saddened

- I will not sit back, Mona. - He replied looking into her sad eyes , - I hope to see you soon.

- I know,"- she choked out, -  promise to come back , or else I won't let you go.

- Silly....? - he smiled jokingly - as if I couldn't come back!

- Well, yes, and how was it when I was 6 years old ?"- she looked at him reproachfully

He fell silent, reminded of the scene when he left her alone for 11 years. Yes, she was right, the trauma that , for those 2 years she tried to heal, was still alive in her. Even though their relationship was going well. The old demons did not sleep. Somewhere deep inside her, the fear of being abandoned, given up or left behind all over again remained. How ironic that she now had to remind him of this. He realized anew that this was very selfish of him.

- I'm sorry... - he said after a while - I know that I cruelly hurt you. I know you feel fear now, you have a right to it, because it was my fault. Even though I had my reasons... still I should not abandon you, leave you alone. Forgive me,-  he embraced her tightly and kissed her head. - I'll be back, I promise, for sure!

Mona's eyes glazed over and tears flowed down her cheeks. She never thought she would ever hear those words. Even more so from her brother, who was not inclined to admit he was wrong, much less apologize. But lately the changes that had taken place in him were so evident that she could see their relationship changing .

Of course, it wasn't very often yet. But it was becoming more and more apparent. Especially since Han was proving that he really cared about her. Although he was sometimes irritated by her behavior and silly games in his opinion. At the end when they were saying goodbye for good, Han mentioned:

-  You will have good company here , Leia will be with you. So you won't be all alone," he smiled

 So you won't be all alone," he smiled

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Mona wiped away the last of her tears and smiled at her brother.

- I should already be up when you get back. So I'll probably be one of the first to know.

Han stood at the door and turned once again toward his sister. He tried to remember her as she was. Then the door opened abruptly and he stepped out into the hallway.

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