Part 15

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When she returned to Falcon she opened the box of drawings. She had long had the thought of donating a portrait. She took the drawing, looked in her spars for a frame , which a droid had custom made for her.

She slid the drawing inside

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She slid the drawing inside. She realized it fit perfectly. Then she found a decorative box on which there was room for a small dedication card. She sat down at the table and pondered for a while. Her heart was beating like crazy, although she already knew how to ignore it for the moment. And suddenly thoughts popped into her head. She took a thin pen in her hand, switching it to fountain pen mode, and after a while began to write in beautiful calligraphic script :

" Thank you for meeting me. The smile, the chat and the touch... Those moments are the best gift I could get. I am happy to know you. And this is well ... a modest gift . I have long planned to give it to you. But there was no way to do it. You are the first to know. This is my secret. I hope you won't tell it ... Later I'll explain to you why?".

She hid the leaf in a suitable place. And she wrote the name on the box so that someone could deliver it. For a while she thought about who could do it. She chose the droid R2D2. She got out the Falcon and looked around for a small craft with steel-blue colors and the appearance of a small barrel on wheels. She spotted it standing next to her, a C-3PO protocol droid that was helping with communications. Mona approached and the Droid responded with its metallic voice.

 Mona approached and the Droid responded with its metallic voice

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- Hello, Mona Solo, how can I help you.

- Threepio, I have a request, I need this shipment to be delivered to Luke. Can you please help me?

- Yes sir , Ms. Mono,-  replied the droid

- As soon as possible, I would be extremely grateful. Oh, and don't say I asked you here. Okay. If Luke would ask where the package came from.

The droid obeyed orders, and Mona leaned over R2D2, who pulled out a small metal handle, ending in a gripper, into which the girl placed the box.

- Thank you Threepio.

- At your service... - the droid said in his essential voice. - Though R2D2, we will deliver the package to Mr. Luke.

And the little droid spun in a circle, then followed its inseparable friend, emitting a series of joyful whistling sounds. Mona watched them for a while longer, until they disappeared down the tunnel.


When Han returned to the Falcon he announced that the quarters were ready. Mona moved in with her things the next morning. The room seemed spartan but cozy. It was warm, as Han had made sure it had heating on 3 sides. A comfortable bed with mattresses and a double comforter, and a small trunk. For her personal belongings.

- What, I'll be on patrol, you make yourself comfortable. We'll be in touch, -  he pointed to the communicator.

- Good," - she nodded

- That's it for now... flower

- by...

Mona sometimes had the impression that Han just liked to call her that. He cared about her, worried about her. Sometimes, all too much. Especially then she reminded him , that she is no longer six years old. She knows how to take care of herself. 

But after her visit to the medical center, she saw in him such a desire to care for her that she was amazed herself. He was taking care of her, taking care of her, what she needed she had almost immediately. This seemed to her to be a slight exaggeration, but she saw that he was doing it out of a good heart to compensate her for lost time. So she accepted the help gratefully.

After Han left, Mona unpacked her belongings from her backpack and arranged them in the trunk in the appropriate compartments. Then she put her clothes and personal belongings and a box of drawings. For a moment she wondered if Luke had seen the gift. She hadn't met him yesterday after the cantina meeting. He must have been busy. 

She missed him. She couldn't wait for the next meeting, yesterday's, gave her wings. She turned toward her bed and started planning her day. She felt like having coffee in the cantina and drawing . She was fascinated by the interior of an adopted large cave with huge ice icicles and pillars hanging down. She had not yet had the opportunity to capture something like this on a piece of paper. And it would be an interesting experience.

Moments later when she leaned over the still unclosed trunk, she noticed darkness in front of her eyes, and right after that a powerful pain almost blew her head. Pulsing, on the left side , she tried to minimize it by pressing it with her hand, but it did not help . She lay down on the bed with her legs curled up because she had the feeling that she was losing consciousness. The pain was completely taking her breath away. When she returned to reality for a moment, she remembered the communicator. 

She brought it to her lips

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She brought it to her lips. With her remnants, she fought to select the right communication channel, but her hand began to go numb and her fingers stiffened at the same time. Pressing her wrist to her mouth was proving to be a great feat for her. On the other side, however, no one was coming forward. 

She began to panic, because losing consciousness she will not be able to notify anyone and she is all alone in the room. Calling out for help, even if she had the strength to do so, would have accomplished nothing since the door was soundproof and well protected from the hollow corridors in the glacier.

 She tried again, with the last of her strength, between the strongest pulsing, although she was aware that she didn't quite know which channel she was choosing.The silence was becoming an eternity. She became very frightened but kept fighting. And again. And again and again and again. Silence... and suddenly among the humming, crackling sounds she heard Luke's indistinct, muffled voice.

She whispered through her tears :

- Luke, help me ... please ....

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