Part 19

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Leia crossed the threshold of the room

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Leia crossed the threshold of the room. Han sat on the bed and was surprised by the visit. They both sensed that their meeting had a specific purpose. Han was aware that his friend, had to ask him some uncomfortable questions.

- Why did you conceal from your sister that you had problems? - she began gently but firmly

- Leia...-surprised by her direct question- I was going to tell her, but I keep putting it off.

- You know that this will be for her , quite a blow. Han, stop hiding the fact that you have an outstanding debt and a bounty has been put on your head. You have to be honest with her.

- You are terribly nosy," he uttered, but then regretted his direct retort

- Nosey!-she got annoyed- I think about how she will react, how she will feel that her brother is not telling her the whole truth. You know what will happen if she finds out differently than you would like .

- I can talk to my sister," -he assured me, -but I am waiting for the right moment.

- The sooner you tell her, the less you hurt her. - she stated with a serious face

- Did you come to fawn over me now, to reason over me?-  he almost burst out angrily

- You don't know how to take good advice. You always have a problem with that. - She rested her hands on her hips. 

Han looked in her direction, she looked beautiful, her serious face, her eyes in which those ever-present fires smoldered. What a fiery temperament sat inside her, he thought

- Good advice ... - he snorted sarcasm - since when are you such an expert?

- That's not the point. Do you for once know how to look a little wider. Not at the tip of your nose! - She stood up to him and took a blow.

- Enough already! - he exploded - do not treat me like a little boy your Holiness.

- Then stop acting like that! - her tone of voice clearly suggested that she was already on the verge of exploding with frustration - I really do not understand... - she added after a while - do you want Mona to feel abandoned again? Do you know what this will mean for her?" she suspended her questions, putting it bluntly.

- No...! - growled menacingly - ... princess - then threw her an angry look.

Leia moved closer to him, her eyes casting lightning bolts in his direction. She was trembling all over, with emotion, though she didn't show it.Han turned out to be again what he had always been. A loner, looking from his point of view. Nothing had changed.

- That she will lose you again! - she threw him a serious argument

Han was furious. It pained him. Somewhere in his consciousness, he harbored this fear. Possibly because of this , he did not want to reveal the truth to his sister. Leia, although annoying, was absolutely right. He was afraid that he would fail again. He couldn't stand the situation where he would have to stand in front of her and be honest, and she would feel cheated. This thought haunted him. It consumed his mind. She would not let him forget his destiny. 

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