Part 42

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- Luke... - whispered Mona, being close hugged to him, stroking his strong arm. - I want to be with you. Not tomorrow, not in a month. But today and forever.

The sound of her voice betrayed to him that she was determined. For her, there were no longer any obstacles, barriers or anything that could impinge on their relationship. She already had the certainty that she no longer wanted to wait, no longer wanted to be alone. Her heart had chosen him. What always set her apart was that she knew what she wanted. Recently, this certainty intensified. according to her, waiting only unnecessarily prolongs the inevitable anyway. And she was ready. At least at this point.

He, hearing her declarations, tried not to betray the fact that this involves a serious dilemma with him. If he had been an ordinary fighter commander he would have had no more reluctance. Perhaps only saving Han would have kept him from making a strong declaration. But being a Jedi and choosing this path as a vocation caused a huge rift between what his heart listened to and what his mind wanted. The law forbade emotional connection with anyone. Unfortunately, he had already succumbed to his heart. He wasn't even sure if this would turn out to be good or bad for him. For that he will still have to wait. But marriage is already a concrete decision, requiring sacrifice. His acceptance of this fact could have resulted in his rejection of the laws of the Order or even abandonment of the path he was destined to follow. This thought haunted him no respite. Choosing between Mona and service seemed rather cruel to him. The gap between what he loved and what he had to do was so intolerable to him that he fought his dilemmas alone, revealing nothing to anyone. Above that, if he thought that time would dispel his doubts, it was unfortunately a false expectation because time did not work in his favor.


One month later

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One month later.

Mona dragged herself on the bed. She yawned and turned from her left side to her right side still not opening her eyes. She stretched out her hands looking for his. When she felt his elbow she squatted down and, without opening her eyes, kissed him gently. The boy kissed her nose and stroked her cheek.

- Let's stay in bed a little longer today. Do you have a patrol today?

- No...I don't...and...I can have a whole day today for...for my sweetheart.

- uuuuu... sweet you are. - Mona opened her eyes and squatted to rest her head against his shoulder and sent him a gentle smile.

- You like lazy mornings,-  he noted

- Maybe not lazy, but casual. The kind when I can lie down for a long time without having to stress about anything. This is what I love. And still have good company then I'm already in awe.- she concluded

- Ok... I don't like nervous mornings either, but I like patrols... especially when you're behind the dashboard.

- someone here misses the old time. You know it's been a long time since I've had the opportunity. Maybe it's because we keep drifting sort of out of worlds. I miss that too.

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