Part 54

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Meanwhile, while talking, Luke was looking around for Mona out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't do it too ostentatiously but wanted to at least get an idea if she was in the room. When he asked Han about her a few moments earlier, he was worried that no one knew her. However, he hoped that he would still be able to talk to her before he departed for Endor. Just as he was about to finish his conversation with his friend from the squadron, he saw Mona. She had just squeezed through the exit. He smiled gently, said goodbye to his friend and started after her up the stairs and into the corridor. He called out after her, but she seemed to ignore his voice. Confused, he didn't let up. She stopped for a moment, but immediately continued running again, a little slower, she didn't want to make it easy for him to get close to her.He finally reached her, grabbed her hand at the last moment, right at the elevators and looked into her eyes, he noticed a change in her that worried him.

- Mona what is going on? - pronounced in a worried voice

- Mona what is going on? - pronounced in a worried voice

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She remained silent. How was she supposed to tell him what was going on inside her. The last few months she has been virtually alone. She has been completely left out. She couldn't even talk to him and not to mention being alone. And to top it all off, now he's going on a mission again. Again. And her. Well...

- Are you leaving!!!? - she fired in his direction bluntly. - To Endor. And I...then what .... I have to wait for you!!!?

- Hey ... baby ... what's going on? - clearly concerned at her firm and annoyed tone

- I'd like that too, Luke. Is it not so understandable?

- Mona, you know very well that this is dangerous.

- And in what sense ,not for a girl !!! Leia is only 2 years older than me and she can?

- That's not the point...- he reached out his hand and stroked her cheek.

Mona looked and said;

- I can shoot, I could be of use to you. I do not want to sit here idly.... Alone! - she emphasized the word hoping he would guess what she wanted to tell him. - This is the only chance for me, to be with you and Han. I beg you... don't treat me like a little girl again. Because I stopped being one a long time ago!

- I know ...- he said softly - ...but I would hate it if something happened to you.

- Yes ... that means you don't believe in me either, how typical. Girls ...- again she emphasized the importance of the word- do not go to war- she spat out in frustration- Am I that much ... all of you ... expendable. - she fired in his direction.

- No... ,you are needed and especially me. I never thought I would be so lucky and ...- he did not finish because the girl abruptly interrupted him

Then let me go!-  she renewed again her desperate attempt to convince him

- In this case, I am not authorized to do ... Mona. Here Han is in charge- He evasively replied

- Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... - she stomped her foot angrily and articulated her helplessness - ...Well, that's beautiful. So I can't even count on you!!!? - she turned on her heel and ran in her direction, leaving Luke in dismay.

The helpless boy watched as she quickly moved away. He felt that she probably expected too much from him. When Han joined him, he saw that something must have happened here. Luke had an unsteady look on his face and looked down the hallway.

- What's going on?-  he asked his friend

- Mona... - replied without looking in his direction

- What about her?-  he asked him another question, although he felt under his skin that trouble was brewing

- He wants to be part of the mission.- He breathed deeply to let the emotions sink in him - He wants to go terribly. With us.

- No way.!!!! - replied Han hearing this - She got into her head again! - sensed a slight irritation- As usual!

- You know, she is stubborn. It's not easy to dissuade her from something.He tried to explain to her, although he had exactly the same opinion as Han.When she decides something, the end will pursue it at all costs. Regardless of the situation. That's just the way she is. -he felt like adding that her brother is similar but refrained in order not to inflame an already difficult situation

Han nodded his head. He knew his sister's character. She never gave up. Well it was in their family. At her age, he too took off with bravado. He craved adrenaline. He remembered it perfectly. Despite being a girl and showing sensitivity, Mona was very much like him. And he feared that this could end not very well for her therefore his view was to protect her from herself not only from outside danger. He loved her, but her stubbornness, posed quite a challenge. Even for him.

- I think I need to talk to her? - he stated

- Well, I don't know,-  one sensed resignation in Luke  voice, - She is a determined person. I doubt if you can convince her to do anything.

- But, I'll try,-  he replied softly as much as his emotions allowed him.

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