Part 52

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The collapsed trunk was hard. But what caught his attention was perhaps one of the most important conversations he had with the spirit of his mentor. With Yoda's death still too fresh for him, another loss, he was unable to grasp everything. Tormenting questions , thoughts and conflicting feelings were bubbling up inside him like a crucible. Outwardly, however, he maintained an apparent calm.Only apparent.

Part of him wanted to give up, another sought arguments to dismiss his dilemmas and embrace the path he was walking. He wasn't sure if he would be able to avoid making the same mistake again. Or would he fall, overwhelmed by the burden? What if he fails again? He would let himself, his friends and Mona down. This thought hit him powerfully.

He could almost feel the echo resonating within him, like the clang of a great bell that still vibrates after hearing its sound. The echo stayed with him. It did not leave him until he finally asked his mentor a question about his future and perhaps that of the one who loved him .However, to his amazement, the mentor's spirit overtook him answering his yet unspoken question.

- The future no one really knows. It is in motion. Do you remember? - directed to him rhetorically

- If it is on the move, is there any chance I can ever have a partner?

- Possession, according to the Order is not allowed. Your parents married in secret. I didn't witness it, but I was against it. The Order survived only because it trained knights to be loyal and obedient to the law. No one changed that for hundreds of years. If someone wanted to, he went into exile and never returned, or there were those who abandoned their families and returned to the ranks .

- Shall I also do so?- snatched from his mind this uncomfortable question

- If you abandon it , the emperor has already won. You were our hope. Of course your sister could do it for you. But you know yourself that Leia hasn't received any training. Would you want to put her in such danger?

- No...never , although I could train her. - he uttered this with a slight hope

- Maybe ... but this will again postpone what is inevitable anyway. Confrontation must be precise, planned and focused on the goal. This will not be achieved by your sister when you take the time to train her over several days. Even if she is exceptional.

- That is, however, to be me. But what about Mona? Where is her place in the story?

- You already have to answer this for yourself. I can't decide for you?

- Ben I can't go through life alone. Mona has been an invaluable support to me so far.

- You have a task...a very important task. And you don't need a flutter of heart right now. The Emperor can use your weaknesses, the one concerning your sister and the one concerning your girlfriend. Whether you want it or not you have to hide it very deep enough so that it won't be used against you.

- So you won't tell me what to do? - He closed his eyes and bit his lip. Frustration was gathering in him but he mastered it.

- If this person really wants your happiness then he will understand. He will not be a hindrance to you, but a help. - He replied matter-of-factly seeing how he reacte

- Mona was never an obstacle , she did something for me that required courage, determination and empathy

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- Mona was never an obstacle , she did something for me that required courage, determination and empathy. I owe who I am to her. After Bespin, I couldn't pick myself up for a long time. And she, rebuilt my shattered sense of self-worth. I don't know who I would be without her. - he spoke probably more to himself although Ben listened to it and was surprised,

- Luke if it is as you say, and I have no right to accuse you of lying, then you have, from my point of view, not as a mentor but as the man I once was. to deal with an exceptional person. I have rarely heard such an appreciation of the other half as you have now graced me with. If you are in this place thanks to her. Then I guess I have to congratulate you on a good choice. Although the law forbids us to connect emotionally. However, maybe in your case, her appearance was pre-planned. Maybe it's more than simple human passion.

- What do you mean? - He asked intrigued and reassured by Mentor's last statement

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- What do you mean? - He asked intrigued and reassured by Mentor's last statement

- Sometimes in history there are some anomalies. Difficult to explain so simply. Remember, we do not plan events. There is something more than matter and time here. Something more than feelings and passions. The relationship is based on something more than fascination. It is an agreement of souls. Non-verbal, non-physical and not defined by words. An agreement that goes beyond these realms. Love although it is both a feeling and a decision has another aspect this spiritual. So it's possible that in your case you are dealing with something that for many is unattainable, which may help you in everything you undertake. I may not understand it, but I once heard a story that reminds me a lot of yours. - He mused for the last time.

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