Part 23

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Han, just now, was handling the jacks. He tried to check them before placing them. When Mona approached him with a concerned face.

- Hi,"-  she greeted him

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- Hi,"-  she greeted him

- Hey... flower," - he smiled at her, "How are you doing?

- Han can't get in touch with Luke. I asked Leie to check if everything is ok with him.

- I talked to him today on patrol. He was supposed to check the meteorite that fell near him. Don't
worry, he'll be here soon. -he comforted her

- But his communicator is not working, Han. I don't know what , but I'm worried.

Han saw a deep concern in his sister . Because of this , he decided to stop for a while and take some time to talk to her .

- Mona, what worries you so much? You are somehow different.- he replied with clear concern

This question took her by surprise, and for now she had no intention of telling anyone about what she had learned. But keeping it in the long run wasn't very wise either. So she did her best to let her worry stem from concern for her friend.

- I'm really worried about him Han. His communicator is not responding. Something is wrong.

- It is still relatively early. Don't worry, he should get in touch with us in soon.

She felt a clear desire to be comforted by Han. However, under the circumstances, she somehow did not know how to accept it. What she could afford was to hug him. He embraced her, and strange, disturbing thoughts swirled in her head. His sister shows great concern for Luke. 

There was nothing strange about this, they knew each other and liked each other very much. He had seen them discussing with each other, meeting and drinking coffee. 

Clearly she must have been very concerned about him. But he had a strange feeling that this was not the case after all. Her hug was different, longer and stronger than always. As if she wanted to communicate something to him. But not with words. This puzzled him and he once again earned her comfort and reassurance.

- Honey," - he puzzled her again, - "you need to stop worrying about it. - he comforted her as best he could.

- Fine,-  she replied, - but I will only be reassured when I see him whole and healthy.

She walked away. Han led her away with his eyes for a while. Something was wrong. He just didn't know what. Her sadness and concern for Luke were not the only ones. Something else must have been bothering her, but for some reason she didn't want to talk about it.


A couple of hours passed

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A couple of hours passed. Han was still busy repairing the ship. He was accosted by Threepio. He was in no mood to talk to him, but the intrusive droid did not relent.

- Mr. Solo, Ms. Leia is trying to contact you via communicator.

- I turned it off,-  he replied angrily. -  I doesn't want to talk to her.

- Princess, looking for Mr. Luke.

He was a bit taken aback by this information. But because he knew that Luke had something else to check the shadow of horror will quickly pass. The insistent droid did not relent.

- Mr. Solo, but the princess said , no one knows where Mr. Luke is.

- Hasn't he returned yet?

He wondered. How is that possible. It had been a long time. Even the sun was getting dangerously close to the horizon. The night could have been very cold tonight, and the wind was clearly increasing.

- What do you mean no one knows! Officer on duty!-" he yelled, and then activated the communicator.

The man in charge of checking such information,ran up to Han along with his aide.

- Has Commander Skywalker, already returned? - in his voice one could sense the tension and slight irritation

- I did not see him . It is possible that he could have entered through the south entrance.

- Please check it immediately. It's urgent!

He took up the jacks again, but this time ,he remembered the conversation with Mona. She had been concerned before. Could it be, she might have had some kind of premonition. He couldn't verify it, but he knew that women's intuition is truly an amazing invention.

Not an hour had passed when, in the main tunnel of the south passage, Han spotted an officer on duty.The same one who was ordered to check Luke's registration.

The same one who was ordered to check Luke's registration

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- Sir...the commander did not enter through the south entrance. But it is possible that he forgot to check in.

- No...- he replied - it never happens to him. - Now he realized that something was wrong. Mona definitely had a premonition.

- Are the choppers ready?

- For this weather, they are unlikely to be suitable anymore. The wind is bringing the temperature down again.

- So that leaves me with Tauntaun.- he suggested exasperatedly

- Sir, today the temperature is supposed to drop drastically again. It is not very safe.

- Yes...- he became nervous - but there is my friend! If I do not help him, he will die.

- Sir we will take sector twelve.

Well then, I'll see you outside, - he mounted his mount , corrected his goggles and put on a warm hood. He pulled the reins and headed toward the open southern bulkheads to ride out to explore.

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