Part 70

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Around midnight, they joined others who had been celebrating victory for some time. Fires were burning throughout the village. And by them crowded , pilots, captains, squadron commanders, admirals. Talking, dancing, greetings were going on. General hustle and bustle. Mona and Luke held hands standing by the railing on the wooden path between the primitive huts. They hadn't seen so many people in the village before. It was like a siege. A veritable frenzy. In the confusion, Mona tried to spot her brother with the princess.

 She looked around carefully to know where they were standing. When she spotted them , they both walked over there. Luke took a moment to chat with Han and Mona embraced Leie. They talked for a while and then Luke kissed her on the cheek and walked away. Mona watched him intently. She didn't know what could have distracted him from celebrating. Han walked up to his sister and hugged her tightly. 

Mona was glad to have him back. She had a feeling that everything had an ending. This one turned out to be positive. When she was finally left alone, she sat on the railing and lifted her head up. Millions of stars were flashing in the sky. She felt that in this vast surrounding world she was just one of many. It overwhelmed her a little, but she immediately felt her beloved's arms tenderly embrace her. She closed her eyes, a blissful calmness took over her. His presence had a calming effect on her. And she didn't need anything else.

Lights, conversation, celebration. This night was going to be a long and eventful one for all present. When she rested her head against his shoulder fatigue hit her and immediately afterwards severe nausea, she had to quickly go somewhere off to the side, as the smell of the bonfires caused even more discomfort. 

Luke and Leia noticed that the girl was feeling unwell. She apologized profusely for her indisposition and, together with Leia, moved away to the hut where Mona had spent the previous night. She lay down on the mattress and felt like everything was spinning around her. 

She reached for her backpack and a small bottle of water. She swallowed a small round pill and quenched her thirst. After a few minutes, the nausea eased slightly. Leia sensed something but did not confide her thoughts. Mona was already looking very tired and exhausted. Not being able to sleep the night before plus the exertion of the battle must have also hit her hard. Mona, felt very burdened and stressed .However, now in the hut she decided to talk to her.

Mona," her friend asked her, "how long has it been since you've had nausea?

You know - admitting with sadness - some days. Yesterday it wasn't so bad yet but's a nightmare, I can't even eat.

And are you experiencing any other ailments?

I am a little dizzy and feel excessive fatigue and sleepiness.She replied with sincerity.

I'm afraid... - she began gently and puzzlingly - ... that I know what's wrong with you....?

Mona furrowed her eyebrows and watched her closely. Then, she suddenly understood what her friend was trying to tell her. For a moment she didn't believe it, but then, it occurred to her what had happened. She covered her mouth, held her breath and after a moment the first tears appeared in her eyes.

But what do you mean...?- she asked the question - ...after all, the doctor said there was very little chance of this because of the tumor and hormonal complications.

Apparently, I think someone decided otherwise?- emphasized Leia's words

Mona could not believe it. How is this possible, they did not give her a chance and yet it happened. She was simultaneously surprised , happy, tired and confused.

Leia ... how do I tell this to Luke? He is totally not expecting it.

Don't worry. Now the decision is up to him. But remember what I told you, He loves you and will do everything to make you happy. I don't see any other way out now. You are carrying his child inside you.

The girl simply, laid her head down and felt a strong desire to sleep off and recharge her batteries. Leia , covered her with a blanket and gave her time to recuperate. On her way out of the hut , she ran into a concerned brother who asked what was going on. She did not want to tell him , because she felt that she should not be the first one .

 She only informed him that Mona , was very exhausted and that she needed to rest. The boy breathed a sigh of relief, his anxiety gone. Silently he entered the hut and lay down next to Mona. Stroking her hair, he listened to her calm, quiet breathing. He was worried, her condition. He only hoped that when she woke up tomorrow, she would be in decidedly better shape. Her pallor had not escaped his attention for several days. it worried him greatly. But he didn't talk about it. 

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