Part 48

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For Mona, the home planet of Tatooine, turned out to be a trap. When a few weeks ago Luke was planning actions to rescue Han. Mona was excited about everything that was happening around it. She may not have been involved in the details of the talks, but she knew more or less what was going to happen. She was very hopeful that she would be of some use.

 She would have her share, and that together with everyone else she would be able to show her cleverness, determination and her other qualities for which she was valued. Unfortunately, all this turned out to be only the realm of her dreams, because even her beloved, fearing for her life and safety, decided to give her another task. She was to guard the ships until their return. In fear of the Desert People. Well, disappointed by the whole turn of events, the girl pined for the Falcon alone. Not really knowing what to actually do. 

She checked the motion detectors every day, monitored the area which took her about three times fifteen minutes each. The ships were so well camouflaged that no one even came close. And she felt safe. The nights on the ship seemed a little scary to her and the sense of loneliness AND longing intensified in her even more. After three days, she began to feel very nervous. She had no news, could not contact anyone. 

And she wasn't sure if everything was going according to plan

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And she wasn't sure if everything was going according to plan. Her feelings of nervousness and helplessness were compounded by migraines. And to make matters worse, the heat outside wasn't making it any easier for her to combat the nausea and dizziness that were appearing with increasing frequency. She had never had such discomfort with migraines until now. She felt terrible and happened to visit the restroom a little more often than usual. She looked in her backpack for some remedies against the malaise. And surprisingly she discovered that such medicines had been prescribed for her. Admittedly, she didn't need to use them because she hadn't had a problem with it before. 

However, now she had no choice. She lay down in her sleeping room. She turned the communicator up to full. She didn't close the door so that she could hear if anything happened. She closed her eyes and put on the blindfold . She felt as if everything around her was spinning. The pulsing in her head was unbearable. But the silence and stillness had a soothing effect. Slowly the horrible feeling of nausea subsided so despite the pain , she picked herself up to finally take the anti-migraine medication . 

After that again , she returned to her previous position. She didn't know how long it took. But when the pain subsided she had to fall asleep. When she woke up and returned to the cockpit for a while. She noticed , it was already dusk over the planet. There was a light on a small indicator light. Which meant that, she had just received some kind of message. As she sat down at the console where her brother usually sat, she pressed the appropriate key. She looked at the small monitor displaying the contents of the message. It was the Alliance that had sent the message to them. She cleverly saved it in the computer's memory so that, as soon as they start the engines , its contents would be displayed again. Then she returned to her bedroom.


Jabba's barge stopped in the midst of a sea of sand dunes. The sun was gently bowing its head. But it was still a long way to sunset. The skiffs that flew past the huge barge also stopped. Between the dunes below appeared a huge mantle in the sand.Skiff with Han , Lando, Wookiee and Luke stopped at its edge, so that the unfortunates could be knocked down into it without hindrance. Seven meters down separated them from the inevitable. Sarlacc because that was the name of the beast was known for its torture of victims for thousands of years. 

A gangway was launched from a spear in the skiff. And Luke was prepared as the first victim. Using a 1.5-meter long spear, a young man was pushed to the end of the platform. There was laughter from enthusiasts and a nasty retch from Jabba, who had an excellent view of the prepared execution on his barge. He couldn't wait for his words to become reality and the inconvenient opponents, along with the insolent Jedi, to disappear from his sight forever. This moment for Luke turned out to be a chance to, once again, not lose faith. He stood on the edge of the platform, closed his eyes for a moment AND breathed. Then he saluted the small barrel-shaped robot. Then Jabba's sidekick thrust the spear blade into his back, and Luke jumped off without resisting. Spinning in the air, just at the height of the platform, then hooked his hands on its edge, doing a flip, he landed on the skiff while catching the handle of the lightsaber, instantly activating it.

 This was the sign for everyone to begin the final showdown with the gangster. Everyone was now following their own path. Lando was wrestling with the helmsman, Han felt completely confused by what was happening, meanwhile his friend was knocking down his opponents one by one. Until there was no one left on the small skiff but the Abominable Bob Fatty. This skilled opponent served the young Jedi, immobilization through the line. However, And this was no problem for the knight. Cutting through, with a shiny emerald-colored wedge, the line. He effortlessly extricated himself from his bonds. 

After which, he swiftly moved to the second skiff to there, defeat the enemy and free his friends from firing. Han, meanwhile, unwittingly, became the owner of a spear, which he pushed a button, in Fatty's suit. And he, aiming a precision weapon at Luke, from his forearm, wanted to kill him . However, he did not have time to activate his weapon, because the button pushed by Han , made him fly in an unexpected direction, bouncing off the wall of Jabba's barge AND rolled down the sand dune directly into the mouth of the voracious beast .

 After that, things went very quickly Han had to rescue Lando, who accidentally fell on the dune, and could have become the next victim of the sarlacc. Had it not been for the Korelian's courage and his improving eyesight. The blaster accurately fired towards the beast's tentacle, which was pulling Lando into its midst with precision. Luke, meanwhile, fought Jabba's henchmen on his barge. And Leia, who cleverly killed Jabba by strangling him with a chain, got out on deck and ran to the cannon. With precise guidance, Luke and his urging just before the explosion escaped from the barge, which was shaken by an explosion and then a huge explosion. After pulling the robots out of the dune, they all soared over the sea of dunes toward the Falcon and the X-wing. 

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