Part 11

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At the end of the day, the hangar was deserted, and all the fighters, which just a few hours ago stood humming and in ranks, were now gone. Only wheel marks on the surface of the stone floor remained. And in some places left empty fuel tanks with pipes. Several officers were going to bed and Leia had plans to visit Mona. When she crossed the door of her room, she noticed that the girl was sad.

- What happened? - she asked

- I thought he was going to visit me before he flew out, but I guess he didn't have time. - She answered her.

- Aaaa...? Here's the thing,- she smiled, - "there was a lot going on... don't feel sorry for him.

- No...I don' feels weird...because I haven't apologized to him...for inadvertently messing up

- Mona... he knows and you have nothing to apologize for. We were all worried about you.

- I have a guilty conscience. Maybe I shouldn't. But you know it,  never happened to me.

- It happens to everyone a hard day, overtiredness. It is good that you are already recovering. I can see that your strength is returning.

- Yes, Han said goodbye to me before flying out. And ... he apologized to me.

- Really....!!! - astonished Leia - ...this is unlike him!

- I thought so too. But it was really something, He promised me he would come back.

- I know... it's very important to you. You're still afraid of here!

- I'm not afraid, I feel panic that again what used to happen will happen. I don't know if it will ever go away for me. You are so brave, I on the other hand, have the impression that I pretend to be brave, while inside I am a monstrous coward,-  she broke down

- Mona... - Leia took her friend by the hand - What are you saying? Dear. I know you. How can you say that you are a coward. You came such a long way to find Han. I don't know how you did it, but it took a lot of courage and determination. And believe me that alone makes you one of the bravest people I know. Such perseverance in pursuit of a goal. It is simply admirable. Believe me it is not cowardice. Not for me.

Mona listened to her friend and again wiped her tears. Was what she heard really what Leia thought of her. She wanted to believe it and hold on to it. To remember and keep it in her heart. Leia had never deceived her, she had always been faithful and supportive to her and Mona and could count on her.

- Leia , how long do you think all this will take?" she asked frightened

- I have no idea. Sometimes, we find a place very quickly. Within a month. But sometimes the search is prolonged.

- And how much?

- Sometimes a year , or longer. But don't worry, if it came to that, they will still take place in stages. So in a couple of weeks everyone will be back, and then, then we'll set a schedule. They will fly out in groups every couple of weeks. Because the base can't be left unprotected.

 Because the base can't be left unprotected

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Mona understood this well. She also saw the wisdom in it , and the logic of trying to take care of everyone. She consoled herself that the separation from her brother would not be too long. Although it was probably not only about the brother here. The possessor of beautiful blue eyes, he appeared in her thoughts more and more often. 

The last time they saw each other he visited her briefly, on the first or second day after fainting. She woke up then and saw his face. She didn't say anything, and neither did he. Silence filled in, no words between them. Then she fell asleep. So peacefully , without fear. It seemed to her that it was just a dream. But she didn't want to ask anyone. Even if she thought it was, it was probably one of the most beautiful moments in her life.

- Oh I almost forgot. - on her way out she turned to her friend

- Yes...?!- she furrowed her eyebrows mysteriously

- I have something for you - And she handed over a small piece of paper.

- This is for me! - the girl was very surprised.

Leia smiled communicatively. She said goodbye and left the room. Mona held the card in her hands for a moment. And she smiled to herself. Is this even possible. Her heart did a flip I stopped breathing for a moment. She was flustered again. She didn't even know why, I mean she sensed it but didn't dare even think about it. 

Those days at the center were getting terribly long for her. Blood tests showed she was anemic. Therefore, treatment was implemented for her. In addition, the girl was exhausted, the nights had severely strained her immune system. But now, the day was already a big emotional rollercoaster.

 And in addition, the letter from Luke now, again stirred up joyful emotions in her. She read it again and again. Trying to guess something between the lines. But there was nothing there except information about the mission. Assurance that he would be thinking of her and that she would recover quickly. Just that. 

But for her it was already something. She was thinking about him, too. So often lately that she didn't even know what to do about it. Friendship with him was already turning out to be a reality. 

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