Part 59

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Mona closed her eyes. Deep down, she was grateful to her friend for taking her side and saying what the male part of the group should have heard long ago. She breathed heavily, though it didn't help her, she knew that one way or another she would suffer the consequences of her insubordination. She slipped out secretly.

 Without notifying anyone. She gave false information and slipped into the shuttle. None of the officers or senior commanders of the Rebellion know that she left the alliance without permission. Admittedly, she was where her brother was, but no one knew that. On top of that, she went on a dangerous mission on which she was not scheduled to go at all. There was trouble brewing. What kind of trouble? That she didn't know yet. She had never gotten herself into such trouble. She had always been loyal. And now well... she herself no longer knew what to think about all this, fear and panic began to rule in her head. 

She was also slowly losing her original enthusiasm and determination. She began to fear that the stress she was feeling had taken over her and she was no longer as sure about everything as she had been at the beginning. 

And that's when she experienced the vision for the second time. Again, she found herself in the woods. This time, she saw a clearing but as if her perspective was completely different. She saw the scene from above. The Empire's troops were surrounding her brother's unit. And it was happening in front of the same bunker she had seen in her first vision. It was all the more surprising because the vision ended quickly.

 She opened her eyes. She stared at the floor, and it was as if she had a feeling that what she had felt before had sort of gone away. What is this supposed to be. She asked herself. Am I..... am I going crazy? What does it mean. She rubbed her eyes, corrected her helmet. And she heard the conversation in the cockpit again:

- I wonder if these codes are still worth something," Han commented.

- Vader is on that ship. - She heard the concerned voice of Luke

- How about a little optimism. - suggested Han

- I'm putting the mission at risk of failure.- Luke spoke up

- Come on, you have an exuberant imagination. - reassured Han friend

The girl, listening to the voice of her beloved, became concerned. She remembered the previous vision, and then two things happened at once that completely surprised the girl. The first, was related to her heart, she felt in her gut the dilemmas of her boyfriend with such intensity that she was unable to grasp it for a moment. 

She tried everything to drown out what was going on inside her, but it was beyond her strength. The source of it was beyond her. The physical pain she felt took her breath away for a moment. After a short while, when she had settled down a bit to these feelings, the next thing happened, which she didn't even quite know what to call since it was the first time she had experienced something like this. She felt like she was connecting with Luke telepathically, and it wasn't just about thoughts. But about the mind and the heart. 

And at the same time, which was quite a surprise to her, she gave him courage, encouraged him, conveyed to him everything he needed at that time. Somehow she knew instinctively that this was to protect him. From whom, she had no idea, but it was very brief, intense and meaningful.

The cockpit was quiet. Everyone was expecting a reaction about deactivating the force field. Which would give the shuttle access to Endor. Luke froze for a moment in his chair. The silence from the communicator filled the cockpit with tension. And he feared there might be trouble because of him. He didn't speak, though slowly a dangerous and rather dark thought was germinating in his mind. 

Not yet fully specified but the only one that seemed reasonable to him

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Not yet fully specified but the only one that seemed reasonable to him. He breathed deeply and leaned against the back of the chair. He felt a bit like the weakest link. He resented himself for putting his friends at risk. He would hate it if something similar to what happened a year ago happened to him. The thought made his blood freeze. He panicked. He camouflaged his dilemmas and tried not to show that something was going on inside him. 

This lasted for maybe a few moments. Then he was startled by an experience. His thoughts were suddenly drowned out by something he didn't expect. At first he thought it was some kind of joke, but after a while he realized it was happening for real. A brief intense moment and then... peace. He closed his eyes for a moment. Leia watched him carefully, his behavior intrigued her. She watched him closely. Then she asked him a question.

- Is everything in order?

- Mona...!!!? - articulated with a slight surprise looking in her direction.

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