Part 66

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The morning at Endor, was wet and damp from dew and drifting fog. After more than an hour, when the fog cleared , it became sunny and the rays broke through the thicket. Mona woke up in the hut and already felt the effect of sleeping on hard. Her muscles were frozen and sore. Also from last night's tension, which the night had not removed. 

She felt that she must have what time she needed to adjust to the conditions on this trip. When she stepped out onto the path she sat down on the railing. And she raised her head high. When she saw the Empire's ominous weapon in the form of an incomplete sphere, she thought of Luke. 

Where was he now, what was he thinking about and what was he doing? Had he already had a conversation with Vader, or is he on the moon? Or was he already on the Death Star? Wherever he was, Mona trembled for his safety. She knew what was going to happen, residually but she knew. She couldn't ignore her feelings. She tried not to think about it, but she couldn't. Suddenly, Leia stood behind her. She leaned over to her and asked:

-What happened Mona? What are you thinking about?

- About Luke. I am very worried about him. I am constantly tormented by worries, fears and panic," again her emotions took hold of her, and the lump in her throat did not allow her to speak calmly.

- I know , like you, I also had a conversation with him yesterday - Leia had tears in her eyes.

Mona had no idea about this , Han did not tell her anything. Maybe he deliberately didn't want to worry her, but Mona sensed that Leia wanted to tell her about it.

- You know really what he told me, for now I don't grasp it myself. Everything is too fresh for me. - she confided - We talked about memories, family. That he doesn't know his parents. Then he confessed that Vader is his father - her friend had tears in her eyes. - But this is not the most shocking thing, I mean you understand ... it shocked me because I completely can not assimilate it. I had to deal with Vader, and you know me, I would rather never experience it again. He is a twisted, deceitful creature. His mission is to cause others pain and kill for pleasure. He is a monster, a henchman of Palpatine. How can he be Luke's father. Some cruel joke. Then he went on to say that in his family the abilities he has are inherited. Where does he even get this information. Could it be that something happened on Dagobah. - Leia could hardly speak calmly anymore the whole was trembling.

Mona extended her hand to let Leia know that she understood what she was experiencing. By now, Mona knew the truth about Father Luke. But he forbade her to reveal anything. That's why she knew it was very difficult for her friend to get used to so many different news at once.

Leia calmed down and continued

- And finally, he said, these abilities are possessed by his twin sister.

- Twin sister... - Mona assimilated quickly what she had just heard. It's Luke who has a sister...?!-this shocked her and for a moment she fainted staring at Leie as if in a picture, widening her eyes more and more.

She raised her hand and covered her mouth, which was open in surprise.

- Mona... I don't know how to say it... Luke is my brother. - She confessed - ironically somehow I always treated him as a friend. You know, I have no idea how it happened, but somehow I always felt respect and respect for him," she confessed with disarming sincerity

Mona stared at the helpless princess. She hugged her. She was not even able to speak. Luke didn't say anything to her, but she knew it was true. She felt it was what he couldn't tell her when they talked before leaving for this mission. So it was about Leie after all.

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