Part 47

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Several days passed. At the gates of the gangster's palace, an unknown figure, dressed in black, knocked. A long hooded robe concealed the true identity of the intruder. Bib Fortuna, who was the first to greet the stranger, had no intention of introducing him to his master.Although his weak mind , he could not resist manipulation by the unknown visitor.

 Therefore, involuntarily despite his resolve, he succumbed to the hitherto unknown, psychological persuasion and humbly led him directly to Jabba to his displeasure. Jabba was furious, not only because his nap had been interrupted but also for the disobediences Fortune had committed. He didn't want to negotiate with anyone, to talk and perturb. His mind did not foresee any settlement. 

Although he himself knew that it could end badly for him. He did not lack the impudence to treat the great ones above him, in a lowly and contemptuous manner. He thought of himself as a great gangster, invincible and the pride with which he thought of himself was his only asset. His opponent, meanwhile, had something Jabba had not factored into his prediction. 

The young commander, a Jedi adept, could definitely afford to take liberties and predicted many different variations in the old gangster's behavior. He was no longer an inexperienced youngster, but a confident man, prepared for confrontation. Full of humility towards the Power he possessed and the knowledge with which he could use that power. He was certainly not, as Jabba thought, a usurper with whom he could deal calmly. 

Luke was aware of the power Jabba possessed, yet there was no longer any uncertainty or fear in him. He also came to terms with the fact that his defeat of Vader and the wounds he suffered in that unequal battle had strengthened him. He had an advantage but did not want to reveal it. He found that sometimes it was good to have humility towards his opponent and the experience he had become. And he owed it all to his beloved, who was able to bring out those qualities in him towards which he was unaware. 

Mona rebuilt in him his self-confidence , brought out the wisdom of life , endowing him with boundless love. She opened his mind to feelings hitherto unknown to him. She was able to guard his soul and spirit. Endowing him with boundless trust. That's why Luke became who he is,and that gave him a powerful weapon against the Hutt.

The skirmish of words did not last too long, between the two rivals. Although Luke did not lose his confidence and in the success of the mission he undertook. He was confident, focused and extremely calm as if he knew what awaited him. Leia watched him and was proud of him although his robe made him look older , more experienced and showed responsibility and wisdom. With which he surprised her greatly. 

He was no longer a youngster but became an individual who knew what he wanted and did not hesitate to make a sacrifice. His maturity and love for his friends took him to a higher level. And she trusted even more that all would end well. Unfortunately, the man didn't foresee that Jabba had another trump card up his sleeve. And the conversation with the Jedi adept tired him to the point that he decided to use his greatest weapon. 

Therefore, launching the trapdoor on which Luke was standing, he was already enjoying the result he was really hoping for. Luke soared down. Into one of the largest dungeons. And with him, one of the Hutt's servants. Anticipating nothing. For a while,nothing was known. Then suddenly to their ears came the unbearable noise of the brass gates opening. The deafening sound was not the only thing they heard. It was followed by even louder roars, and the ground trembled with the powerful footsteps of the 4-meter Rancor.

 His terrifying wrinkled body, full of aggressive posture, entered the room where Luke and the Hutt's servant were staying

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 His terrifying wrinkled body, full of aggressive posture, entered the room where Luke and the Hutt's servant were staying. The latter immediately became the first prey of the insatiable, perpetually hungry beast with hands ending in three sharp claws. As soon as the monster reached for the servant with its paw, the unfortunate man had nowhere left to run. For a moment he struggled, but the beast, which was trained only to deal with inconvenient intruders, plunged its strong, sharp teeth into the body of the unfortunate man. Devouring his rumpled flesh, feeding on it like a snack before the main course. Luke was horrified.

 Although he had heard about the famous, pet , he was not going to give up so quickly. When the beast finished with its first victim, it reached out with its eyes for the next one. Knowing that its appetite is enormous, Luke hurriedly had to come up with something. It was difficult because the situation, required reflexes, a plan right now. As soon as the Rancor's claws reached for him. The boy looked around for something that would enable him to surprise the creature and escape as far as possible. The Rancor was already its satisfaction triumphant as the young Jedi got closer and closer to its huge maw and teeth, which were ready to crush tendons and bones with a single squeeze.

 But here he was in for an unpleasant surprise, because the clever boy, having a huge bone in his hand, unexpectedly and with determination put it between the teeth of the unsuspecting voracious beast. With this, he gave himself time to escape, as the beast involuntarily loosened its grip, and the youngster easily broke free. Behind his back he heard its angry , terrifying roar of displeasure after which it crunched the bone like a match. At the same time looking around for a victim who, showed cunning and courage. However, he was still ready, for anything and with his monstrously strong claw tried to get Luke at any cost. 

However, even this time he had to do without because a powerful blow with a stone, broke one of his claws and he wailed in pain, After which, the young man, ran between the legs of the rampaging beast and reached the exit, which this time was barred and was the only chance to escape. This time, unfortunately, he had the feeling that probably the hungry beast would triumph. The monster was already going after its prey, not stopping an inch. Its furious howling AND breathing was chilling. Luke was already tired of this skirmish , but at the last moment, he bent down to pick up the skull lying here at his feet. 

He quickly surveyed the situation, the distance and hurled the gray mass at the control panel of the iron gate. Suddenly the beast was immobilized in an instant after which, it collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the iron gate. The heavy and brass door proved to be a deadly trap. And she herself, nailed to the ground, immediately gave up the ghost.

Luke breathed a big sigh of relief. It was a victory, but only the first of many. When Jabba realized that his pet had been killed. He flew into a rage. He ordered a daredevil to be brought back, which he did, and had one more surprise for him. Luke and Han, brought in by brutal Hutt guards, were to be put to death immediately. The gangster did not patience with such, especially since the Rancor's extermination was a personal insult to his majesty. And whoever dared to do so deserved the ultimate punishment. Han was already stripped of his illusions. He was no longer in a position to be rescued, having seen his friends dragged away atrociously. Leia was Jabba's slave, which was as much a slander to him as the fact that he and Luke had become prisoners at the mercy and disfavor of the devious gangster.

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