Part 17

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Leia began to worry heavily, Luke set out to find ,Hana's communicator was silent. Mona was asleep. At the base it suddenly got colder for her. She felt it while she waited for news all the time. Chewbacca kept her company and R2D2, still with his antenna out, desperately searched for a signal. This silence, was more ominous than anything else. Her thoughts were with Han, with whom she argued the most. She didn't even know if it was friendship or camaraderie. He played on her nerves, he was so cynical and complacent at times. But the princess herself also had to admit that despite his many flaws, he was the leader type, even though he didn't want to be considered as such. Mona changed him a bit, with her at least softening a little. What did this girl have in her? He began to care about someone. And that impressed her. The relationship showed her a lot, he was able to put the welfare of others above his own. In time, she saw that he was capable of making sacrifices. And that was already a lot. Admittedly, he was constantly thinking about the debt and its repayment. And that for his head the greatest galactic toughs were able to give a great deal. Yet, somehow he still, despite promises that he couldn't be here much longer and had to solve the case that was dragging behind him, didn't leave. Maybe it was because of his sister maybe he had some other reason. He was stuck here among the rebels, even though he hadn't fully determined which side to take. Suspended in a vacuum and constantly undecided, he was a really difficult case for her. She repeatedly tried to break through his shell of cunning. But he only tightened the security barrier around him more tightly. While he had no problem with this when dealing with others, he turned out to be a very unapproachable person when dealing with her. Sister was always open, helpful, gentle. Her sensitivity was all the way beating from her when you were with her. She had the strength and determination to follow her path. Regardless of her brother. But Leia knew that Han didn't tell his sister about the debt that weighed on his life and hid the fact that someday in the future someone might stand behind his back. To fire a shot. And that was very frightening. His sister would not be able to accept such a course of events, it is known that it would break her heart. Leia knew this very well.


Meanwhile, the group had already reached the ice desert. When Luke took off his snow-shielding goggles, he began to walk around and observe the horizon. He didn't see anything disturbing, so he reached for the electro-oculars. He looked once more. Carefully. The desert stretched all the way to the majestic blue mountain peaks on the horizon. Snow covered its surface and it was difficult to see anything. The all-encompassing silence, and the realistic landscape, were frightening . There was no one here, or at least it looked that way. At the same time, the wind was sifting through the snow, treacherously obliterating footprints. Tauntaun nervously rummaged through the snow. And the sun was letting it be known that late afternoon had just arrived. And when it gets dark, that's when it will be hardest to see anything. He had almost given up on further tracking the horizon and was getting on the ridge to turn back, suddenly he heard a single blaster shot somewhere in the distance. The echo spread very far away. It was very strange because the shot, went unnaturally vertically upward. He decided to check it out and through the communicator called the group giving them specific coordinates. . When they all got there, they saw an isthmus, between glaciers of great depth. And on the ice-rock shelf he spotted his friend trying with his last strength not to slide down.

- Han !!!!- shouted into the abyss to let him know he was close.

- Luke! How good it is to see you. I already thought I was in for a long night here. - He replied in pain.

We are already coming for you. Take care my friend. - He disappeared to inform the base to send a chopper. And when he leaned out again he shouted to Han - still patience, we need to call for reinforcements.

The whole operation to rescue Han from the ice shelf was not easy. Although all the people involved were, determined to get the captain to the surface as soon as possible. It turned out to be quite complicated. With the help of a helicopter and ropes and medical equipment, after a couple of hours Han was safely on a specialized deck chair, immobilized which was very uncomfortable for him . They secured him with straps and strong ropes hooked to the helicopter's landing gear stabilized the recliner.This is how they transported him to the base. Cold , chilled and battered , he was placed under medical observation for the next few days . He was annoyed by all kinds of tests, medications and waiting for the results. His leg, although immobilized, was not broken, which was a relief to his friends. However, he was looking forward to meeting his sister.

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