Part 7

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Two years have passed. The base on Yavin 4 has now become a virtually permanent rebellion site. Nothing had changed since Mona arrived here. For what it's worth, after finishing her course, she learned to fly a Y-wing. And she joined the female staff in charge of handling ground navigation. From time to time, she was on duty at the computer, monitoring traffic and checking the security of the system they were in.

 Responsible service, gave her many opportunities, learning about ship-to-ship communication, issuing short messages. She was also able to learn how to send orders to individual wing units, in the form of short voice messages, text messages, and be able to monitor their route. Sometimes it happened that while she was working, the Red squadron, which Luke commanded, had just been on a reconnaissance mission. 

Sometimes, when she heard his voice in the headset she smiled slightly to herself. They became friends, although the young commander, unfortunately, did not have much free time. Mona tried not to bother him, she also had her own affairs, and the nights she served as navigator were a very responsible and stressful job. All monitors had to work properly, and she relayed the indicators and measurements on which specific guidelines appeared to the central computer located in the center of the room. 

By collecting data from the entire system and moon 4 around Yavin, they could spot any unwanted object in a short period of time

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By collecting data from the entire system and moon 4 around Yavin, they could spot any unwanted object in a short period of time. When she had a break, she would take coffee from the canteen. And so it was, and now, as she stirred it, she thought she could send a short message to a friend, unnoticed. She decided to try the independent link that Leia sometimes used to contact him. She quickly sat down in her seat. She started pressing the keypad and after just a moment the desired communication channel appeared on the monitor, she typed in the code and ship number and a short message :

- " Coffee is waiting. Have a peaceful patrol. M."

She sent it instantly so that no one could figure out that she was using, the channel for private purposes. The monitor displayed that the message had been sent. Mona smiled under her breath. Now all she had to do , as soon as she finished her duty, was to order coffee for her friend at the cantina at 1.00. pm.

When she returned to her room after the night shift, she still thought for a while about whether everything would go according to plan. Her eyes were closing on their own that day from exhaustion. She did not return to her workstation until the evening of the third day. The night was quiet, in the hall, not too many people were present. The patrols that monitored the planet and the moon were not numerous either. Most of the time, she had only to check the indicators and feed them to the main computer. But the data , appeared very rarely. So the girl was bored most of her duty. 

So she decided to take out her sketchbook and scratch again to avoid wasting time. She had already taken her pencil in hand and started to fill in the unfinished sketch with delicate lines, when a message appeared on the screen along with a soft quiet sound. This distracted her from drawing. She turned the drawing over AND looked at the screen. She clicked intrigued at the unfamiliar message.

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