Part 53

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Mona woke up late. She dressed hurriedly and left her room on the way she stopped by the cantina to buy a bun and hot chocolate. As she drove to the 6th floor she swallowed it hurriedly. She was a little ashamed but glad to be alone in the elevator. The corridors were almost deserted. Except for the guards standing on duty, there was no one. 

The glass windows and space made a strange alien impression on her as always. She stopped for a moment and wondered where Luke might be. Again she thought back to the dream. How unclear it all was. How convoluted like some knot that could not be cut. Her heart was pounding, but no longer as hard as it had been during the night. What did this mean for her , for them. And how to relate it to her eternal dilemmas. Or maybe it would be better if she stopped loving him. No that's ridiculous. stop, just like that. 

To let go. No... this thought struck her and as quickly as she could he moved away from her, Though the p

 this thought struck her and as quickly as she could he moved away from her, Though the p

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ain would already squeeze the first tear from her eyes. No... I can't do that. He needs me now. I can't let him down even at the cost of a silence that he doesn't understand. What they had been building for that year was so strong and so unusual that now giving up was like giving in, giving up and that to her sounded like cowardice, to say the least. They had so little time with each other. Her longing for him was already becoming unbearable .

 Even though she was on Tatooine she had no long contact with him. They flew on separate ships. She could only talk via voice communicator. Then she stood guard. And this lasted for several days. Unfortunately, they had to separate again. After a year together , the last months were the most difficult for her. First the planning? Then the action and now again. She came to her senses. She drank her chocolate, threw the empty dish into the trash and with a quick step marched to the room where the meeting was being held. Once there, she stood near the front door on the right. She leaned against the doorframe and put her hands in her pockets. 

Admiral Ackbar, was explaining the details of the attack on the Death Star to everyone gathered, with the help of a hologram showing the unknown moon of Endor. Mona listened to it with interest. However, she did not look around too intrusively for her brother, the princess and the rest of her friends. She found them right at the computer desk sitting quite close to Lando, whom no one had yet introduced to her, but about whom she had heard a lot. They passed each other in the Falcon when she couldn't control her emotions.

 They passed each other in the Falcon when she couldn't control her emotions

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As the information reached her, she became more and more interested. And when it came to choosing the right people for two specific actions as far as the battle was concerned, the choice fell on Lando to lead the fighter assault on the Death Star. 

And Han was chosen as the one in command of the dangerous action of disabling the force field around the planet and its dangerous artificial satellite. Mona betrayed excitement, her heart soaring for the mission. However, she had a feeling it would pass her by again if she didn't volunteer to be one of the team on the shuttle. The squad her brother was to command was ready. The Wookie was the first to report, then Leia reported, and just as she was raising her hand because of her excitement about the mission while taking in air to report to the shuttle crew, through the second entrance to her left she heard Luke. 

The boy, unconsciously, drowned out her voice, also reporting. Mone was seized by two feelings simultaneously. Resignation and frustration. She wanted so much but for some reason it blocked her. It wasn't Luka's fault it was something going on inside her. She fell silent, watching them greet each other. For a moment she had the impression that they felt quite comfortable without her. It was as if they had forgotten about her or she had ceased to exist for them. 

At least that's how it seemed to her. Well, yes, she thought, bonds tighten when you do something together and they put me away under the pretext of protecting me from evil. She felt like going back and secluding herself in her room. In addition, her nervousness was compounded by the fact that no one somehow noticed her. Not even her brother or her boyfriend made any effort to look for her. It germinated in her mind , that she would part with them again. With her brother and with her beloved.

 She felt it under her skin, the arguments would multiply. They would use them to stop her urges. It was already too much for herself for one morning. She restrained her emotions so as not to let them explode until she was in the room. There, at least she would be able to indulge herself in peace. Not have to explain to anyone that they were treating her unfairly. She turned and hesitated, deciding definitively to return to the room.

 However, the aisle right next to her became quite crowded. After the meeting was over, some people stood around carelessly and talked, blocking her way. Mona tried to squeeze through. But she couldn't. The only free passage was on the left. But she didn't want to go there for any reason. Her emotions were bubbling inside her like lava. She had no desire for Luke or her brother to meet her in this state. She knew it could end in quite a brawl. 

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