Part 32

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Meanwhile, at the medical center, it was still quiet. That morning started very languidly. Mona was still in a coma. Her surgery was not scheduled to begin until the afternoon. Her room was clean and warm. The apparatus to which she was connected supported her basic vital functions. On her head, she had sensors connected to an EEG. To pick up any unwanted signal. She slept soundly, breathing steadily.

There were no droids in her room. They left as soon as they wrote down all the measurements. The time of the visit was set by the princess, along with the doctor. In her case, there were no limits. This case was treated as a special case. Han and the others could visit her whenever they needed and be with her as long as they wanted. Mona, of course, did not wake up once. Her condition was serious. She was monitored every few hours until the operation.

 She was monitored every few hours until the operation

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Next to her bed, an armchair was placed. It was now occupied. Luke kept guard at night. Not leaving her side. He did not sleep, maybe for an hour or so , squinted his eyes, but that was all. The anger and helplessness he felt at the situation took away all his will. Today was his day off from classes, so the peace and quiet of the hospital room soothed his depressed spirit at least a little. He couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

He held her hand, touching his cheek with it. Sometimes glancing at her delicate, beautiful, peaceful face, plunged into a coma. Sometimes he noticed some slight sign of her life. Especially eye movements.But other than that, nothing was improving. He constantly reproached himself for having brought about this situation. But now it was possible to speculate. The silence was broken by the sound of the communicator. The boy placed his beloved's hand gently on the bed and left the room

- Yes , I'm listening - he spoke up in a whisper

Luke we have a problem - heard the voice of the Princess - Han destroyed an imperial droid, close to the base. The general has given the signal to evacuate. We need you.

- I'll be right there- he replied looking at Mona.

He still returned to her room, leaning over her face. He stroked her soft cheeks and kissed her forehead. He looked at her hand for a moment more. His heart was torn. He wanted to stay with her but also felt a duty to others. Suddenly he felt Mona's fingers twitch slightly. Tears flowed into his eyes. He turned his head to look at her face. Her eyes gently opened, for a moment their gaze met.

- Is this a gift of fate ?- he thought, not believing what he was now witnessing.

He held his breath for a moment and once again leaned against the girl. She was clearly looking at him - Is this a dream - the thought flashed through his mind again. He could not leave yet. Not now, when there was finally a shadow of a chance that he would regain consciousness. However, it was only a moment. Mona closed his eyelids again. He stood there as if paralyzed, longing for her smile, her speech, her touch, her tenderness. Hoping faintly that he would get her back.

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