Part 65

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Mona awoke abruptly. She sat up on the unfolded mat, trying to come to consciousness. She realized that she was alone. Her thoughts again began to rush like mad into the gloomy, depressing regions of her heart and soul. She knew she had to pass this test. No matter what. Though in truth, no one could be sure of what would follow. She got up and left the hut with the intention of looking for her brother. She found him standing on the platform. The same one on which he was still a prisoner a few hours ago.

- You talked to Luke,"-  he began, as she approached him.

- Yes...I know he had to leave,-  she said with great pain

- Flower? -  Han hugged his sister, he could see she was taking it badly. - ...Each of us has to face our own battle.

- Han. I'm afraid for him. - He felt his sister's voice breaking

- I'm not surprised,"-  he replied with concern

She clearly felt that he wanted to help her in this difficult moment for her. Without any but , did ... he saw that her sensitivity was simply being put to the test. She didn't want to say anything anymore, huddled up and fell silent. This moment gave her encouragement. 

Han knew she needed it. He realized that right now he was passing the test as her brother. He had completely forgotten that just a few hours ago he had been very angry with her. Now, however, everything was gone. She was really close to him. 

She had the qualities of their mother, who had always, ever since he could remember, been a brave yet sensitive woman. And she also had the qualities of their father, inheriting his determination and courage. Although he had heard from her several times that he considered himself a coward.

- Honey - Han started again - you are very brave. You amazed me today. I almost forgot that you have the determination to do great things. Although I don't approve of the fact that you did it behind my back . But, I accept that I did not give you a choice.

- Well, that's right, I guess sometimes you could show a little confidence. It's really not a difficult thing to do.

- I know ... sorry ... it's my mistake, although I really meant to protect you.

- And it did not occur to you that a few years ago I found you myself. No problems.- she reminded him of the incident on the moon of Yavin 4

- Yes I know. It was also very brave. I don't know how you managed to find me. Maybe one day you can tell me about it. I am eager to hear the story.

- Ok - she laughed - ..this is a very funny, but interesting story.

- I'm curious... - he looked into her eyes.

- Han I think the day has finished me off badly. I need to lie down , I probably won't sleep, too many emotions , thoughts, but I'm already very tired, and I think you are too... General Solo. - she replied yawning.

- Ok...-he smiled communicatively - Tomorrow we have a difficult day. You need to gain strength. - He kissed her tenderly on the head and sent her to the guest cottage.

Mona arranged herself on the bedding. She immediately missed her bed and the arms of her beloved. Where was he now. She rubbed her wet cheek again. She closed her eyes and tried so hard not to cry. Her heart was beating like crazy. And the silence and sounds of the moonless night, did not allow her to relax. The hard bedding made it impossible for her tired muscles to relax. Maybe the Ewoks didn't need to have soft, but she definitely did. She had a feeling that tomorrow her body would feel the night for a long time.

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