Part 60

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When Luke stepped out of the shuttle, he felt the fresh air of the Endor moon allow him to relax, at least for a moment. The strange thoughts that had haunted him just as he landed slowly subsided. He paused for a moment and looked deep into the shuttle. What was he looking for. All in all, he didn't know himself... or maybe? Although that would be very surreal for him. A bit unlikely. However, somewhere deep in his heart, out of the blue, how and where... he felt her presence perfectly.

 Could it be possible. He thought about it for a moment, but was called out by Han. He had to quickly join those ahead. Mona leaned against the doorframe, which was in the shadows under the cockpit. She was breathing hard. She saw Luke stop for a long moment and look closely at the shaded gangway. Already she was almost sure it was over. But suddenly the voice of her brother saved her . She stepped out onto the gangway corrected her helmet and moved behind the group. 

She kept at a safe distance for now, intending to join them undetected at an undetermined situation. She didn't lose them, although the pace they kept was quite demanding. When the walk became quite monotonous, she began to look around. But not so ostentatiously. The trees here were huge, sometimes they had smooth trunks but the deeper they ventured into the forest the thicker they got and became porous and wide. The girl had never seen anything like it. She was fascinated by the place. 

The crowns of these giants reached far beyond her sight. And huge ferns and mosses covered the forest cover high enough that one could hide in them but also get lost. At one point the troop stopped at a rather large hill. On the top of which rested a scarred massive trunk. Behind which her brother, Luke and Leia hid. The troop lined up on two sides of a makeshift path leading upward. Mona looked around and found herself a refuge in the large fern bushes. It was reasonably dry there, and the plants completely obscured her entire figure. It was there that she could perfectly eavesdrop on the conversation happening at the very top of the hill. Because the trunk which was hollow provided a great acoustic source.

 And on the side of the scrub in which Mona hid was a sizable cavity. This worked both ways, of course. Therefore, the girl had to be extremely careful not to get caught. Han, of course, being the eldest, offered to take care of the scout along with the Wookiee. The friend tried to cool down his intentions by provoking him to see if there was definitely only one scout. Han, with a delicious grin, as usual, brought him back to his subordinate's place by reminding him feistily who was in charge. 

The eloquent silence, followed by the sound of gunshots, let the girl know that probably again her brother had misjudged the situation. She cocked her head even more , as if to express that she was ashamed of her brother, and covered a significant grimace of her face with her hand. Although no one saw it, but for her it was already stupid and thoughtless enough and extremely irresponsible. She felt that down below Luke and Leia had to not only fix what Han had failed to do, but also chase the remaining scouts, of which, as she heard the sounds of the scooters, there were at least two more who had rushed deep into the forest. 

Disappearing from sight. Leaving Han lashing out all the while with one and the same stormtrooper. For a moment, Mona considered whether to take aim and free her brother from his oppression , but she gave up. She decided not to interfere. She watched how he handled himself and really for the first time wanted to laugh sincerely.

- Well, Brother," she thought, "if it weren't for your hubris you would have had it out of your head long ago.

She lowered her blaster and once again looked out from behind the fallen trunk. Han finally defeated the enemy and waited for his friends to return. It must have been a long time before Luke appeared on the path. Mona dived silently into the ferns again. She held her breath and was afraid to move. Her heart was beating like crazy. 

She had only one question: had she been discovered or had she still succeeded? This time, however, her reflexes paid off. Eavesdropping on her brother's conversation with her beloved, she realized that her friend had been separated. Luke returned alone which infuriated Hana. The squad was immediately separated and a search was launched. Mona followed Luke but kept an appropriate distance , she did not know how long it would take. 

Although for her the situation did not look positive. For her, every place they found themselves in resembled the previous one. She felt she was getting lost in it. She couldn't orient herself in an area and especially one she was in for the first time.  

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