Part 51

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An overwhelming silence crept into her mind. She felt relief and sadness. Relief, because she had reconciled with her brother and sadness that, the night again like the previous ones, she would spend alone. As soon as she went to bed and turned off the light, her thoughts flowed to her beloved. Her hand touched the empty side of the bed for a moment. Unwittingly, her thoughts replayed memories of the past few months. They brought back images of when they could enjoy each other and nothing bothered them. And now. 

A terrible loneliness and longing nagged at her, along with the fear that at some point all that they had built might crumble into dust. This thought did not leave her. Although she would really like not to think about it. The separation, the monstrous separation and the silence. A silence that drove her to confusion and uncertainty that she fought against until a good few weeks. He somewhere out there, she here. 

When would it end? Would it ever? When she fell in love with him, did she know what she was signing up for? Or will it always be like this? Maybe things will never be like they were for those few months again. These questions tormented her soul. Suddenly, she felt nauseous. She had to quickly get up and go to the restroom. This lasted for a long while. On her way back, to minimize the effects of the bad taste in her mouth, she drank a glass of water with a little lemon and took some more antiemetic. When she went to bed again. She was so tired and depressed that after a few breaths she drifted off.

Somewhere far away on the planet Dagobah

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Somewhere far away on the planet Dagobah.

The young commander was saying goodbye to his master forever. His last conversation with Yoda was the saddest of all he had. He was unable to ask himself anything more than the truth about his father and when the old master confirmed his fears nothing was the same as before. The burden of the duel had fallen on him, though he had been prepared for it now he only felt it with full force. He was still waiting to establish an academy for others to train his successors in what he had learned. 

Wasn't too much being placed on his young shoulders. Luke recalled Mona's words and her eternally difficult-to-answer question about his excessive ambition. But wasn't the girl a little right about that. Maybe he is taking on too much responsibility, maybe it will be disastrous for him. How to embrace it all? He asked himself. And now he was left alone. There is no Yoda, whom he could ask about everything, there is no Obi-Wan on whom he could count. And now it turned out that he had deceived him.

When he returned to the ship R2D2 writhed towards him gleefully after which he realized that his master was not too to laugh. He crouched down beside him and it was clear that responsibility was just now beginning to be too heavy a burden for him. Again, his thoughts didn't even know why they soared towards Mona. He tried for a moment to defend himself against it but couldn't. It was stronger than him. 

Why was she invading his thoughts? And why just now? It surprised him even though it was really the only happy thought, in this pervading sadness. All the others were not optimistic. Luke closed his eyes and breathed deeply. For one second he thought he heard something inside him, something he didn't expect and certainly not this side. He couldn't ignore it anymore. He didn't even want to. And then everything quieted down and he heard the familiar voice of his mentor.

- Yoda and I will always be with you.


Mona sat on the bed, Still half asleep but opened her eyes

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Mona sat on the bed, Still half asleep but opened her eyes. Her heart was pounding like crazy. She tried to breathe to calm it down but couldn't. She had a strange dream, just before waking up the last thing she remembered from it was the face of her beloved, full of dejection and sadness. And that voice of hers that repeated one and only one sentence.

- Luke... please don't give up.

- What did it mean? The girl had no idea what was going on. How something like this could have flashed through her mind. She was very surprised. Especially since she couldn't explain it logically. She had thoughts that maybe she was going crazy, but maybe it was the result of her not quite feeling well. It was a bit frightening for her, but her heart strangely began to beat steadily and calmly after a while.

It was as if, without knowing why, the feeling left her and, at the touch of something invisible, such peace flowed over her that she was able to fall asleep again. When she laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes for a moment she saw his face again. This time he looked at her and smiled charmingly as he always did when he was happy. Happy with her. 

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