Part 64

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There was no one on the platform. They found them in the hut, ominously silent. Mona already felt what was going to happen, she breathed, she did not look at Han but still his gaze pierced her with a cold stare. She knew, he had a right to be angry. Leia couldn't placate him. At least she tried, and so she was grateful. 

But it promised to be a tough crossing. Luke kissed her on the cheek, and she led him away with a frightened look, she wanted to suggest to him not to leave her alone at the mercy of an angry brother. Too late. She was left alone, that is, not counting her brother. Well, and she had forgotten that he was in charge. For a brief moment she thought.

- Well I brewed beer , I have to drink it. I will not speak. Maybe if I vent my frustrations he will be able to listen to me.

- I felt the deception. Why did I give credence to it. - these were his first words to her - he was pissed but really tried to control it. Mona remained silent. - Do my words really mean nothing to you anymore. Remember that I am not here as your brother. Only this is a specific mission. A very serious one. And I am in charge. I didn't expect you to put me in such a situation. Now I can't even send you away. What were you thinking? - Mona was still silent. She stood, listened and remained silent. - You know how it will look like ... You defied my directives ... in front of my subordinates. And tomorrow we have a specific task , a very difficult one ... and now I do not know ... do you have anything to justify yourself?

She remained silent. In fact, she didn't even know whether she was supposed to say sorry or tell him how she felt pushed away recently. She didn't quite know how she was supposed to show him that she didn't do it out of pure malice, arrogance and not counting his opinion. It was completely wrong. It was only a few days ago that she got him back. She was so happy that they were together again. And now something stood in their way again.

Han also fell silent. Faced with her, he was powerless. And now all the more so. It surprised him that she remained silent. In a way, this was new to him. Though he didn't know what it was from, whether she was letting him know she saw his mistake or letting him talk. Regardless of what it meant, she was an adult. Admittedly, she could decide for herself. But he really felt responsible for these missions. It was his duty not to let down either the alliance or his friend , who was to command the attack on the sinister satellite that hung in the air like an unfinished ball of iron. And trouble with Mona was the last thing he would wish for.

Finally, the girl, breathed heavily and, still silent, did a surprising thing. She walked up to her brother, reached out her arms and simply embraced him. At first he was a little hesitant , anger prevented him from accepting the gesture. But after a while he simply capitulated. He embraced his sister tightly and knew that I was crying. She was unable to say anything, but her emotions told him everything. He didn't ask her any more questions, just let her feel safe with him.


Leaving together with Han, Mona ran to her beloved and embraced him. Luke looked at Han, who only rolled his eyes and waved his hand. Which to him meant that Mona had melted his anger. Honestly, he always wondered how she did it, that Han just couldn't stay angry with her for long. In his own way he had a weakness for her, in fact he had to admit that he did too. She was so natural and didn't pretend to be anyone that she was charming in that way. It was also impossible to pretend to be someone else with her. She disarmed everyone with her sincerity and simplicity of heart. And I guess that's where her phenomenon was, for which he both admired and loved her.

At least the evening already promised to be peaceful. Without any major disturbances. Mona stood leaning her head against his shoulder. She took off her poncho under which she hid a white uniform with bangles. She let her hair loose, leaving herself with decorative two braids, which she tied back. The two stood at the exit of the hut where an important meeting was taking place. Threepio was explaining the reason for their arrival on Endor. Mona was amused by the style in which he did it. She tried not to laugh but somehow couldn't.

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