Part 67

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After breakfast, Han gathered the team and described to them the plan of action. Mona, meanwhile, gathered her things from the hut. They headed straight out, near the airstrip. The march was not delayed because everyone was waiting in readiness. Once they reached the spot Mona and Leia looked out from behind a fallen log. Mona noticed that on the airstrip, a shuttle was just taking off, the same one they had flown in. And her heart told her that Luke was on the shuttle. She didn't tell Leia this because it would have been difficult for her.

 And she felt it wasn't easy for her. The landing pad was deserted. But the little Ewok was clearly excited; he couldn't get the attention of the others, but by accosting Threepio, he let it be known that he knew something. The gold-colored droid was concerned about this and began to give signals that the furry man wanted to announce something. Leia turned around and stopped the robot from speaking too loudly. But he lowered his voice and made her realize that it was only information from the Ewok.

He just told me that there is a secret entrance to the bunker. And he can lead us there. Mona turned around to see what was going on. But Han was ahead of her thoughts.

- It's really a great idea. So let's get those furs rolling for us there. - sarcastically replied, with which he angered Mona, who sent him an angry look, for disrespecting Ewoks. Unfortunately, she knew where this was coming from. All Han.

They changed their position after about half an hour of travel and to their eyes appeared a bunker. Exactly as Mona had seen in the vision. Identical with brass gates. Until she was stunned. She felt that what she saw was a fragment of the whole. She already knew what to do. Although she hadn't said anything to anyone yet.

 Leia and Han were talking to the team. They discussed the hows and whys. And Mona already knew that she couldn't be with them then. Han did not want her now to which she agreed. As soon as the little Ewok, climbed on the scooter AND flew deep into the forest, Han gave the signal for action in the bunker. Mona waited until everyone had entered behind the brass gates and came up on Threepio.

Tell our little friends that there is about to be quite a scramble. They need to call in reinforcements already. They won't finish what they intended and will fall into a trap. That's why it's necessary to call forces to the rescue immediately.

Threepio hastily translated Mona's words. And the man quickly fled somewhere. Mona walked a few meters and climbed a tree as high as she could. She now had a clear perspective. But obscured by the leaves, she watched the clearing. In which a lot of imperial soldiers had already appeared. She may have felt like a coward, but from this spot she could safely observe everything that was happening. 

She had her blaster at the ready and was a little afraid. But she knew she had to react somehow. When the clearing was, adopted by the Empire troops. And light walking machines, however many there were. Mona knew she was about to see a scene from the vision. And she was not mistaken. Everyone from the squadron was led out of the bunker. 

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