Part 41

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Mona was sitting at the table, sipping coffee and had just finished a sketch. When Luke joined her at lunchtime. He came closer and kissed her neck. She gasped in surprise until she flinched. When she knew it was him she rebuked him lightly.

- I was just finishing a sketch, don't scare me like that or I might ruin it. And by the way, I'm glad you are," she smiled

- I hope you didn't ruin it, sorry... I like kissing your neck," he smiled and drank coffee from his mug.

- You scared me ... have you finished your shift yet?

- For today, yes... so... - he looked puzzled

- I'm listening... - without raising my head

- Mona... do you have any plans? - he asked, with which he finally got her attention

- And what do you propose?- she became interested and looked at him

- Well, I don't know," he replied, "maybe....

- I'm listening... - she touched his hand - How to drink coffee, we can walk somewhere. But maybe you are tired and would like to rest.

- I was thinking more of talking to Lando. I don't know if you agree. We need to determine some things about saving Han. I think I have an idea.

- If you want, why not... I'll stay here and still do some drawing. I haven't had this opportunity for a long time, the hospital took it away from me for a long time. - She looked at him with cheerful eyes

- Great... then I'll see you later. Should I look for you here or will you be in the apartment? - He asked while getting up from the table.

- It depends...- she smiled resting her chin on her hand. - If it won't take long, you're more likely to find me here, but if longer, I'll meet you in the room.

- Ok. - He was about to move on but hesitated.

Mona kept looking in his direction. However, she noticed that the boy betrayed uncertainty and slight confusion. Something she hadn't noticed in him before. He wasn't as confident as before. Rather, she doubted whether he could handle the challenge ahead. He had recently managed to overcome various physical ailments related to his hand surgery. But she had the overwhelming impression that his soul was still torn apart by doubt and anxiety. She stood up, placing the pencil next to her sketch. She approached her beloved and asked:

- Is something bothering you?

Luke stood, driving his gaze to the floor and said nothing. Mona seemed to sense that he was not present. She touched his hand. and renewed her question:

- Luke, is something wrong? - she muttered

- No... but,- he paused

- Yes...- she tried to encourage him

A dream is just the beginning...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ