Part 69

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The clearing was still a safe place. The tall grass, gave a sense of security and one could hide in it. Mona opened her eyes. She must have taken a nap for a while. Luke was lying next to her. His eyes were closed. She looked at the stars and asked a question:

- How do you feel?

- Good and with you even more than good. Treasure

-  But I am not asking about now . How do you feel after all this time? Or would you not want to talk about it now?

He twitched. opened his eyes and looked inquisitively.

- So...- she looked at him

-'s all over now. - He was a little frightened by the prospect of telling her what had happened.

- I want to know. This is important to me. -she emphasized it

- I know ...-he replied

- Ok..I guess you are tired. I'm sorry..." she reflected, "maybe that's why he doesn't bring up the subject or it's too fresh for him, too traumatic, she didn't know what to think about it.

- It's not me who wants to tell you. Only that ..-he breathed deeply-you see I don't know how to say it sometimes, I lack words.

- Ok. then why don't I ask questions , or is that easier for you?

- I don't know if it's easier, but ok let's try.

- How did you get out of the satellite? Does he mean from the Death Star?

By ferry, similar to the one we arrived on.

- I saw the explosions - her voice was breaking - you know...I thought...- she wiped away tears

- Mona didn't cry.-  He moved over to her and hugged her

- Sorry , it is still so almost unbelievable.

- I guess now you believe?

She nodded and hugged herself. Closing her eyes, she fell silent.

- Dear , I understand that it was a difficult day for you. For me too. but I knew there was no other way out. Your fear was given to me as well. I was afraid that I would not come back, that I would never see you again. And not only you. Leie and Hana.

- I talked to Leia this morning. She told me. I already understand it. I know, and it's cool that you're not alone like a finger anymore.

- I never felt alone because I had you. But yes you are right. I have a sister. and I am very happy for her.

- I have Hana.... but it sounds weird," - she smiled through tears

- I would say that you have me. But I understand what you mean. Two siblings.

- Yes...funny ,surreal but

He laughed heartily. It amused him.

- I love your smile. - she uttered it with delight - I hope you will treat me with it more often.

- You can be sure of that. Because with you and I lose my head and you make me happy. - he smiled again

Well... you promised to talk about this experience of mine?

- Ok, so do I know what it is? No I don't. Do I know what you have to do with it, no I don't know that either? But I do know that something is there after all.

- So? - she became interested

- Yes... I had exactly the situation that, you described to me. Admittedly, I didn't think much about it during, but after, when I thought back to it, I realized that you saw it and that it's possible that you have some kind of sense. Maybe something like that, that you can predict the future. But I haven't analyzed it yet.

- Ok. So now do you believe me?

- How could I not believe you? After all, it surprised me that you knew I was leaving. I didn't tell you that.

- That's right.

- I on Dagobah also had this experience. I also saw Leie and Han. That's why I didn't listen to Yoda and didn't stay to finish the training, but flew to help them. And that ended up you know how ..- he showed her a gloved hand.

- I have a big request for you. I know this is going to be strange, but could you - she was a little afraid of what I have to offer him...- you take off this glove in front of me. I know it may be traumatic for you but ....- she paused for a moment- you don't have to camouflage yourself, I love you all the way you are. - she raised her gaze.

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He shook her gloved hand. He looked at her and smiled and then whispered:

- Can you?

- Are you sure about this?"-  she asked him some more, as it scared her a little.

He hasn't taken off in front of anyone for a year. Not even in front of her. When she saw that he wasn't afraid, she slowly gently finger by finger freed his from the black , clinging tight leather sheath. He watched her intently. He couldn't say anything. Finally, the gloved hand freed his hand. The artificial one. Mona put it between them and touched his hand. To her, it was no different. She was his, just as she was.

- Perfect. - She whispered through her tears - and kissed the inside of his hand.

- Mona you are extraordinary. - whispered with glazed eyes - I am all yours - and kissed her again. 

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