Part 3

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Mona pulled the warm quilt over herself sleepily. She had gone to bed very late. Last evening, after Luke had been informed via his communicator that a room had been prepared, she had allowed him to show her there. Some standard issue garments and essentials had been left in case she might need them. Left to herself, she had quickly donned a light jacket and had gone for a long walk in the cool night breezes with plans of returning to her room late when she wouldn't need to worry about a visit from her brother. A storm had been brewing as she returned from her walk. She was thankful that she had made it back before the brunt of the storm, and that no one had been there waiting for her.

After having washed her face with cold water, she had lain in the bed listening to the sounds of the storm that passed within the hours of her sleeplessness. When she had finally drifted off to sleep, she could still hear the rustle of the treetops, which had been battered by the strong wind and rain. She was sure that the effects of the storm would be visible for quite some time thereafter.

She did not know when she had fallen asleep. She had lost track of time, listening to the noises outside the window which was now letting light in.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She panicked. She had hoped to lie in bed for a long time as she did not feel prepared at this time to deal with anything or anyone. Who would visit at this time? she wondered, not even knowing what time it was. If it was her brother, she was still far too stressed to deal with him.

"Yeees..." she said in a timid and uncertain voice, sitting up on the bed, tightly gathering the quilt around her.

"May I come in?" a calm female voice asked through the cracked door.

The bedroom door opened slightly more, and Leia's silhouette appeared in the doorway. Her figure stood out clearly against the corridor light, giving her an aura of peace and authority. She thought she must be Luke and her brother's friend, and she sighed in relief, though she still felt a knot in her stomach. She had heard yesterday from Luke that she was an important person who would like to talk with her.

"Yes, please," she replied quickly.

Leia opened the door and smiled.

"Looks like you haven't slept much," she said with empathy in her voice. "Are you hungry?"

"No...not yet. My stomach is still asleep," she answered with a smile.

Leia approached the bed and sat down. Mona looked at her for a moment. She appeared to be older, but still young— probably about the same age as Luke, she guessed. Her mannerisms, speech, and apparel did not make her seem distinguished, but rather, quite approachable. She had darkly framed, brown almond-shaped eyes, which seemed to sparkle with captivating fire. Her nose was slightly upturned, her lips, red. Her hair, today combed back, was adorned with a beautiful thick braid worn like a headband. Mona felt a bit intimidated by her style, but also intrigued.

"I know you might feel a bit uneasy here," the princess began. "Everything here is new and it may be hard for you. Maybe you would like some company? For now, I don't have much to do for the next few days, so I can spend some time with you. If you want?"

Mona could hardly believe her ears. Her eyes grew wide and droid-like. If it wasn't for her sense of propriety and self-control, she would have jumped up and bounced for joy. Instead, she found herself at a loss for words and gave the princess a wide smile and an enthusiastic nod, which Leia understood immediately.

Yesterday, Leia had felt a strange affection for the girl, though she had not completely understood why. She had looked so out of place among the stern-faced officers, who had eyed her with suspicion and contempt. Yet, as Leia had watched the girl, she had sensed an unusual strength and dignity in her, a spark that had ignited a kinship in Leia's heart. Male friends were fine, but she had always known that girls sometimes need other girls, whether it be to just talk, share stories or to get things off their chest. She also understood the need for plain female solidarity—a bit of madness, a bit of a different perspective, a bit of a feminine heart. These were all things that Leia herself craved for. She had often felt that the male world simply couldn't comprehend that a princess with a blaster also has a soul and sometimes just needs to talk, first and foremost, because she is still a woman. 

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