Part 27

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A day later.

Leia called Mona through the communicator. In order not to arouse suspicion, the girls met secretly in Mona's room. This time the girl was no longer so nailed down by the topic of health, she could listen to her friend calmly.

When they sat down on the bed

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When they sat down on the bed. Mona asked her first question:

- Did you meet with the doctor?

- Yes, I had a long conversation with him. He was a little surprised that you weren't there with me but when I explained to him that you had given me your power of attorney, he was open to talking.

- So do you already know something in terms of treatment? If any treatment at all is involved here? - she replied concerned

- Yes there is an opportunity for you. However, there is only one option. They will have to cut out that tumor for you.

- Cut it out!!! But how? With a scalpel...???- she was horrified

- No, if they wanted to remove it with a scalpel you would lose many of your senses. In your case, the risk of losing your vision, hearing and intellectual and motor skills is quite high, since the tumor presses on several of these centers at the same time. the risk of complications is too high and the chance of success of such a procedure is too low.

- That is, the scalpel is out. - The girl covered her face with her hands in a gesture of breakdown.

- Mona....- the princess turned to her heartbroken friend - there is another method of removal , with a laser beam.

- Laser! - she looked at her friend

- Yes it gives a complete cure. It is a non-invasive method. Or at least not as invasive as with a scalpel. However, they do it with general anesthesia. And patients recover after a few weeks.

- Narcosis, sounds very strange.

- Have you never heard of it?

- No well I know what it is, I learned in science about it but I have never seen it, much less had the procedure using anesthesia.

- Ok. So I once saw such a procedure and it looks like the patient is asleep. You don't remember anything about the procedure. They put you into a dream.

- Ok, then I can calm down. The dream no longer sounds so ominous.

- However, there is another sphere I need to ask you about. Have you noticed any abnormalities in yourself related to femininity?

- Why do you ask here?

- The doctor noticed in you that the tumor is located quite close to the pituitary gland. Which he described as worrisome. The tumor may be disrupting your cycle and you may never get pregnant?

Mona listened to this , knowing that for several months she had problems with her cycle. It disappeared from her for two months then appeared as scanty spotting. Eventually it had been gone for six months. Which also bothered her. But she didn't connect it to her condition. Only now did she notice the connection between the tumor and the lack of a normal cycle.

- I had no idea that there was a connection. For the past six months, nothing has been correct in this area with me. And for an even longer period of time, I noticed a major abnormality. - she confessed frankly

- This is what the doctor did not manage to ask you , although he had planned to do so. However, the most important thing at the moment is that you, decide to have your hormone levels tested. Then, after the surgery to remove the tumor, you will be put on hormone therapy. The doctor is not sure if this will give any results, but you should try every option that gives you a shadow of a chance that you will regain full health.

Mona listened and was grateful to her friend. All this information, she arranged in her head. It was not information she wanted to hear. Although Leia promised discretion, but also stressed that if Mona spoke up for the fugitive, she had to tell about her illness. Something the girl was very afraid of.

- I don't know how I would be able to tell him that. - She grieved - I just rebuilt relationships. And now I will have to reckon with the fact that treatment will separate us.

- I know this is difficult for you. Han will also be worried. If you don't tell him he will feel , that you don't trust him.

- and... Luke...- Mona grabbed her head - damn it... - she cursed - oh no....

- What about him? - asked Leia

- You know...,-  she breathed heavily, crushed by the thought

- And what do you want to tell me?

- It certainly can't go beyond this room.

- ...And the next secret? - she looked at Mona with questioning eyes

- It's not like that, Leia. We... , I don't know, it's all happening too fast for me. Maybe I should fold. Damn it...- she cursed under her breath....

- What are you talking about?- she felt confused by the enigmatic translation

- Because you know...- she became stupid - no... - she corrected herself - you don't know. He just barely escaped with his life and now suddenly's beyond do I tell him.

- What do you want to tell me about Mona?

- Leia, for the past few days we've know....

- Mona....had a thought. - softly replied her friend, at the same time she smiled significantly. I saw the way you looked at each other. You don't have to explain anything to me.

- So you know?

- I guessed. The letter, the concern . Sacrificing himself when he was unconscious. Only the one who loves , is capable of this. I hope that everything will work out somehow. You have to be honest. I can't stand it if you don't tell him the truth. We all care and worry about you .

- You are right. Only that it will be for him ... for us ... cruel,-  she realized

- If you conceal it...both of you will suffer. A relationship starts with trust. And trust, does not conceal anything.

- Thank you for reminding me of this. - the friends embraced each other.

After which Leia further added:

- I am very pleased with your happiness.

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