Part 49

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Mona waited longingly for everyone. Especially for her brother, whom she had not seen for a very long time. Her anxiety was finally relieved as they appeared near Falcon, safe and sound. She ran out to meet them and when she saw her beloved brother she ran to him and cuddled in his arms. She almost couldn't believe that he was already with her. 

Han,embraced her warmly and tightly. How unusual it was when for a moment you could see the relief on his face. The last time was so traumatic for him, he said goodbye to her when she was lying in a coma. Longer moments passed before he let her out of his embrace. Mona cried with happiness. 

However, she overheard a conversation between Luke and Lea about the gathering alliance and an urgency came from her friend's lips, which worried her greatly. She hoped that this time her beloved was coming back with him, but these were illusory hopes. She sensed, she didn't even really know from where, that he was flying to Dagobah. 

When the others hid from the scorching suns, inside the Falcon. Mona slightly prolonging their departure , followed her boyfriend. He did not expect that she would decide to talk to him now, although he felt urged, but he could not, deny her this conversation. Mona approached him while he was already heading towards his X-Wing.

- Luke... - she puzzled him and one could sense the sadness in her words - Why aren't you coming back with us?

- Mona, I gave promises to a friend that I would visit him...," he said matter-of-factly looking into her eyes.

- Are you flying to Dagobah? - Mona had the impression that they were parting for a long time. There was something in his gaze, as if he himself did not know when he would return.

Luke sensed her concern and looked into her eyes.His gentle gaze told her almost everything. He loved her , trusted her and did not like to leave her. However, now it was something different. When he made promises to Yoda. He could not forgive her, even at the cost of parting with his beloved. His heart was already torn.

 But this he could not tell her.He also hid what was to happen later, in the future. He tried not to think about it but still the intrusive thought kept coming back. How much he disliked having secrets from her. They are the ones that usually destroy a relationship. And this knowledge did not make it any easier for him to face a real conversation in which she would reveal secrets that he was now finding hard to deal with.

- Dear, I am not going for a long time , we will meet soon. - comforted her

Mona looked into his eyes, as if to convey that she missed him and that she was experiencing a breakup with him. Actually, it didn't happen during those few days, but definitely before. She had the feeling that since he returned to fitness, he was more and more often out than in her life. Even though he was by her side, she had the impression that his thoughts were wandering somewhere where she could not share his dilemmas with him. 

She didn't tell him this, she didn't want to worry him, but she felt she was slowly losing him somewhere. She just had no idea with whom or, horror of horrors, with what? Her face, full of dilemmas, somehow never signaled to him that something was wrong. Although lately that very expression had often been hosted by her face. Maybe he knew they needed an explanation but kept putting it off. Maybe he was afraid to move the subject. That she was never sure. 

Despite all this, she squatted next to him and snuggled into his arms. He stroked her soft hair. They both needed it. And he knew it. He missed it. He was even grateful to her for following him. They needed this moment even though Mona feared that the gap between them would grow if they didn't open their hearts to each other in time. Here, a simple apology could not save them. Only exposing their thoughts could tear down the wall they had begun to form around each other. Fortunately for both of them, it was not yet big. There was still a chance. A small hope.

- I'm waiting for you,-  she raised her face and bestowed a kiss on him

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- I'm waiting for you,-  she raised her face and bestowed a kiss on him. Time would stand still. Luke needed a moment with her as much as she did. She was for him, he loved her more than anything and longed for time with her. when nothing stood in their way.

- Mona - he took her hand and kissed it. After which he whispered - I love you.

The girl sent him a look full of pain , she did not speak, she watched. He climbed the ladder to his X-wing. She led him away with her eyes until the cockpit closed. She hastily moved to the Falcon, wiping away her tears. Appearing in the cockpit, Han started the engines and took to the skies, then noticed that his sister was weeping. 

When they merged with Luke's ship , she ran out of the cockpit hiding in the shadows of the corridor, suppressing her sobs. Han sent his thanks to his friend first. For that, Leia recalled the alliance meeting. Mona, tried to curb her emotions, hearing Luke's voice once again from the communicator. Her eyes were again streaked with tears. Leia explained to Mona although it was clearly felt that he depended on her to speak up.

 Despite her attempts, the girl was unable to say anything for the time being. Assurance from him that they would see each other soon the girl heard when she tried to calm down. Why was she reacting like this? Why did sobbing take her voice again? Was there something wrong with her again? The thought began to haunt her. Luke will probably come back. They would see each other soon, but it didn't improve her mood. She closed her eyes trying not to think about anything anymore. She breathed steadily as if trying to tame her emotions.

 Finally, Han said goodbye to his friend and turned off the communicator. After which the two ships in space parted and each flew in their own direction.


Leia walked out of the living room into the cockpit. Han puzzled her as soon as he spotted her:

- What about her? - asked seriously concerned

- For now she is shaken, but I think she is slowly calming down.- She conveyed a little sadly

- What must have happened to make her react like that? When Luke returns I will talk to him.

- I don't know if it's him, I will certainly try to calm her down. For now, wait. Ok.

He nodded and did not discuss . He knew that Mona was in great hands anyway and surely Leia would help her.

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