Part 72

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Five years have passed.

Somewhere on an unknown planet in the galaxy.

Mona landed on a makeshift helipad right next to a pond. Her fighter jet, was green in color and she was dressed in a beautiful matching ivory suit with delicate purple motifs. Her tunic partially covered her shapely body. And a skirt with a slit added to her chic and alluring look. She pinned her hair up with an ornate gold pin on top of her head, so that the locks flowed like a waterfall down to her shoulders. Delicate makeup added to her incredible charm. The entire styling was completed with boots on a platform. Comfortable with a trapper sole motif. She looked phenomenal. 

She exited the vehicle and breathed in the fresh air. She saw R2D2 who, with an antenna, stood next to the landing pad and listened to the ether. Mona saw him and smiled. She felt completely safe here. The beautiful landscapes of this planet reminded her a little of Suir. Although here the climate was milder and it was humid. She closed her eyes AND felt the breeze. 

Her hair twitched and her thoughts ran towards her beloved. Where was he now. This question was a mystery, although she knew, even felt his presence. Before leaving, she had talked to her brother and his wife about her departure. They were worried that she might have trouble getting there. But as soon as she was nearby she gave them the message that she was already close and not to worry. She decided to make the trip herself. She could no longer bear the separation and loneliness. Although they often wrote to each other, the girl still missed them. 

And she knew that their separation was completely justified. She didn't know if what she would do would meet with approval, but she had to try. Her beloved's establishment of the Academy completely consumed him. He wrote her in letters that he had found the first student and that the first building had already been completed. She decided to fly. She could no longer bear the loneliness. His missions lately had been so absorbing that Mona felt that their relationship was changing. 

Although it's been five years since the Battle of Endor they still haven't told each other everything. The unsuccessful move to Suir didn't have a positive effect either. They were there, just a year, together, but that year was a nightmarish experience for Mona. She was healing deep wounds, emptiness and was depressed. Luke, despite being by her side all the time, was unable to help her. The cruel time triggered an avalanche of his decisions towards their relationship. He never decided to get married despite the fact that they both wanted and desired it. 

After that, it only got more difficult. She, alone on Suir, plunged into despair, he salvaged his despair by looking for a place to go to the academy. And then on the search for students. Mona, after Luke's departure, decided to leave their shared home. And she moved to the alliance base. Her brother allowed her to live with him until her mental state was stable enough to decide for herself what to do next. That's how she passed those years full of uncertainty, beating herself up with thoughts, longing. 

Everything soon calmed down but she couldn't stop loving. There was never enough of that in her heart. Out of longing, she spent time alone in the apartment prepared for her. She wrote letters and waited when she would be on the strength to face reality again. And that moment has just arrived. It was time to explain everything once again , to fight for the relationship on which the shadow of the loss of their common child had fallen. 

She had to try, but she beat her thoughts for a month before making a radical decision. Standing there, she recalled the hospital stay and her despair at not being good enough. Then there was a small argument and then she locked herself in darkness. Her heart broke in two. And her mind sank deep into black and bottomless thoughts. There was no way for her to get out of it herself . Although she tried, however, she could not manage. 

Each of them in their own way moved away to a safe distance. It's unclear if all this didn't happen too chaotically and too hastily. But time will no longer change. She opened her eyes, and the sound of the water soothed her soul. She stood there for a few more moments and then moved to meet the one her soul loved. Did he know she had arrived?

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